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Pensacola Christian College

Breakdown of “Campus Aesthetics” at PCC

By Gender
By Major
Aerospace EngineeringA+
Animal StudiesA-
Art & Design DepartmentA-
Business - Management and AdministrationA
Computer EngineeringB+
Computer ScienceA-
Design Arts - Industrial Design/Graphic Design/etcA-
Electrical EngineeringF
Engineering DepartmentB
Fine Arts - Painting/Sculpture/Photography/etcA+
History/Histories (art history/etc.)A-
Mechanical EngineeringA
Music - Composition/TheoryA
Music - PerformanceA
Music EducationA
Perfomance ArtsA
Physical Therapy/Exercise ScienceA
Political ScienceA
PreLaw and LegalA
PreMed and MedicalB+
Social WorkB

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Pensacola Christian College
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Campus Aesthetics

... The College offers plenty of opportunities for prospective students to visit the campus, which includes spending time visiting classes and exp...Read full comment
... First, you can't leave campus by yourself until your 21 or a Senior ...Read full comment
... If you have not attended you have NO right to have an opinion, only inmates know what it's like, Yes it's a very nice campus with high academic...Read full comment
... Attendance at the college's Campus Church is required for all students with few exceptions ...Read full comment
... I had not doubts about attending Pensacola Christian College after talking with friends who were currently attending, talking with the school's re...Read full comment
... The campus itself is beautiful, the facilities are amazing - they do not do things halfway ...Read full comment
... The campus was immaculate and close to the beach ...Read full comment
... The on campus employment will teach you ministry ...Read full comment
... Five were for leaving an unheated iron on my dresser (rather than in the bathroom), and the other five were for signing out for CHRISTIAN SERVICE...Read full comment
... They hire people who do nothing all day but drive around town and check on students who are off campus to make sure that they aren't overstaying ...Read full comment
... A safe campus whose focus was on education rather than a socail outlet ...Read full comment
... Campus social life for a nursing major must be very restricted, in order to dedicate to the intense studying, so if you are a serious student, yo...Read full comment
... As far as the rest of the campus life goes, there is a self promoted "happy-face" on campus ...Read full comment
... The campus is beautiful and the beach is fantastic ...Read full comment
... There is very little incentive to leave campus and if you do, it is very difficult to do so ...Read full comment
... Between working on campus (stage crew, floor leader, A Beka book proofreading) and my parents helping out, along with a small scholarship, I was...Read full comment
... You won't be allowed to attend any other churches, only the campus church ...Read full comment
... You cannot go off campus with someone of the opposite gender ...Read full comment
... If you live in the dorm you will be especially familiar with all the rules of the college; much more so than if you don't live on campus ...Read full comment
... They “sneak” off campus and go wear jeans to Wal-Mart ...Read full comment
... I loved the Campus church and Pastor Schettler's preaching, and some of the music and drama productions ...Read full comment
... It seems to me that this is the cause of most of the problems on campus ...Read full comment
... Go see the campus for yourself ...Read full comment
... Went back for 3rd year and wonder where I would be if they hadn't had me Shadowed because I helped 2 people communicate who were Campused ...Read full comment
... Rules aside, I really love the Christian atmosphere of the campus ...Read full comment
... Also, the structure that is taught while on campus (although seems tedious at the moment) tends to show that you are focused in what you do ...Read full comment
... I also felt very safe on campus ...Read full comment
... PCC is a beautiful campus ...Read full comment
... When visiting PCC, make sure you ask your tour guide about the different types of punishments, like shadowing, socialing, campusing (whoops, they...Read full comment
... yet, there is no internet at all on the campus ...Read full comment
... You can't shake a girls hand, you can't watch a football game on campus ...Read full comment
... The campus jobs suck and the managers treat student employees like trash ...Read full comment
... I was always disgutsted by the "adults" on campus that were only there because Mommy and Daddy "made" them come ...Read full comment
... I learned many practical things in other classes and on-campus exepriences about life, relationships with other people, and my relationship with ...Read full comment
... As for life on campus ...Read full comment
... I felt very secure on the campus ...Read full comment
... PCC is a very safe campus where you can get to know people of the opposite sex without physical things getting in the way or clouding any issues...Read full comment
... I held a job while on campus and had the opportunity to be involved in many extracurricular activities ...Read full comment
... If ur looking for a great campus (the sports center is THE recreational facility of all colleges), a great education (despite that any major be...Read full comment
... To give you an idea of their delightful rules, just know that women are not permitted to leave the dorm with wet hair, alledgedly because it caus...Read full comment
... They also offer many scholarships and work opportunities on campus ...Read full comment
... If ou have to stay on campus, you will go nuts ...Read full comment
... One of the things that upset me about PCC was the attitude of many of the dean's assistants and floor leaders that walk the campus of PCC and thi...Read full comment
... I have been back to campus recently, and everything is still as outstanding as I remember ...Read full comment
... Get on eagles, you get to leave campus, train hard and enjoy the fame if you can ball ...Read full comment
... I went with the attitude that they have some rules on campus because it is a large group situation and you have to have those to maintain the st...Read full comment
... Sure, the campus is absolutely gorgeous and the people are always looking their best, but ...Read full comment
... Classes and on-campus experiences taught me things about relationships with people and my relationship with God ...Read full comment
... You cannot ever leave campus without checking out on the computer or getting a pass ...Read full comment
... The students were great to be around, the instructors were very professional, and the spiritual climate of the church/campus was exactly what I n...Read full comment
... , and possibly even remain there, but that would have made my already embarrassing situation, even more humiliating, by making it public knowledge...Read full comment
... I want to walk around their campus blasting screamo (or lady gaga or, gasp, michael w ...Read full comment
... The campus has great facilities ...Read full comment
... I'll be quick - classes were decent, campus was nice, some people were really great ...Read full comment
... Safety: Yes, the campus is safe, but you don't have locks on your room doors ...Read full comment
... Great campus, strict rules, good safe learning environment ...Read full comment
... I never would of made it living on campus with all of the issues involved there ...Read full comment
... Only go to PCC if you like to be told what to do: when to go to bed; what to wear to bed, dinner, classes, and off campus; the rules go on and on...Read full comment
... Additionally, students must wear suits and ties anywhere they go off campus ...Read full comment
... As far as working on campus goes, if you quit during the school year, outside of christmas break, you get 20% of the demerits necessary to get ki...Read full comment
... The rules are strict, but keep the campus structured--for the most part ...Read full comment
... The campus was beyond beautiful, as far as college campuses go ...Read full comment
... I didn't know that I'd have to have at least 2 other girls to chaperone me every fucking time I needed to go off campus ...Read full comment
... It is nice to be able to walk around campus, and have faculty and staff call you out by name because of the friendly atmosphere ...Read full comment
... I felt very afraid on Campus ...Read full comment
... After graduating with my Bachelor of Arts in English, I was able to stay on for two more years, live on campus, and work for the college while ge...Read full comment
... If you want a TV in your dorm, unlimited private Internet access, allowed male-female contact, and other such minor things (most of which a g...Read full comment
... lights out at 11:00, chaperoned dates when going off campus, lots of rules that you might think are rediculous ...Read full comment
... Use id card to leave campus ...Read full comment
... There was a *strong* no-touch policy; be careful also how you looked at a member of the opposite sex, because social campusing was common ...Read full comment
... The campus is very nice, I thought they did a great job keeping it up ...Read full comment
... I miss the daily chapel and excellent preaching at the Campus Church by Pastor Shetler the most ...Read full comment
... The student body is the friendliest campus that i ever visited while "college shopping"-- just one of the many reasons why i chose PCC ...Read full comment
... The school has excellent learning facilities, most of the teachers care about you and try their best to help you succeed, and the campus is very ...Read full comment
... We love the Campus Church -- Pastor Schettler is the best ...Read full comment
... The campus has a Godly atmosphere ...Read full comment
... The campus is safe and beautiful ...Read full comment
... Also, a terrific school to go to if you need an on campus job ...Read full comment
... The academic standards are excellent, the faculty and staff friendly and helpful, and the campus very pristine ...Read full comment
... We love the Campus Church -- Pastor Schettler is the best ...Read full comment
... I have enjoyed growing spiritually through the Campus Church services and the many great speakers I have had the opportunity to hear ...Read full comment
... The college does a good job of providing students with activities and entertainment, and they have been making some really good changes throughou...Read full comment
... Beautiful Campus appearance ...Read full comment
... Pensacola Christian College is an excellent facilty both academically and the campus itself is beautiful ...Read full comment
... The couples go off campus to have sex, get drunk, and go to parties ...Read full comment
... Having come from a Christian background, I expected all of the rules and the strict atmosphere of the campus ...Read full comment
... PCC also has excellent facilities and a positive campus atmosphere ...Read full comment
... It is also very affordable and the college assists students willing to work their way through college at the campus ...Read full comment
... Only go to PCC if you like to be told what to do: when to go to bed; what to wear to bed, dinner, classes, and off campus; the rules go on and on...Read full comment
... The only grade lower than "A" I gave above is for how safe you feel on campus ...Read full comment
... I cannot say that I enjoyed the dorm life or the on-campus activities, but it was worth it for a good education ...Read full comment
... The college environment seeks to insulate students to such a degree that life in general on the campus is a poor representation of general life ...Read full comment
... While the College should have been able to field excellent performance groups on campus (symphonic bands, chorales, and orchestras),they have fal...Read full comment
... The Campus Church says that they are a church, but when measured up with the Scriptures they are not ...Read full comment
... However, they do claim to be a safe place for a Christian young person to focus on their education and avoid the many temptations and pitfalls t...Read full comment
... I just wanted off campus and I haven't looked back ...Read full comment
... Also the dating life at PCC is very fake and unrealistic because all dating is either done on campus in well-chaperoned areas (absolutely no tou...Read full comment
... As an Engineering major, while your mates at places such as Georgia Tech are working as interns at Exon Mobile, and NASA, again PCC will not brin...Read full comment
... it's like they expect us not to have a social life outside of campus ...Read full comment
... As far as the campus goes it is like it's own town ...Read full comment
... The college campus was always kept very clean and the food selection was far better than most colleges ...Read full comment
... For instance, we are taught not to be materialistic, but if you were to ask anyone in Administration about PCC; they would describe the beautifu...Read full comment
... While I was there PCC underwent its largest building expansion of the campus ...Read full comment
... Walking around campus you would see students sitting in common areas holding phones ...Read full comment
... PCC administration is only concerned about projecting a very false image that the campus life is wonderful and that the course work is challengi...Read full comment
... Being expelled on grounds based solely on rumors or opinions is criminal ...Read full comment
... From the silly rules to the dress code, to me not being able to leave campus w/out a senior or someone w/a car ...Read full comment
... I think that I didn't like to be the most conservative on campus, which at PCC I am not ...Read full comment
... The campus is nice, the students are 80% great ...Read full comment
... Limited ability to leave the campus: Women are only allowed to leave campus with several others, and the specifics are laid out in detail (such ...Read full comment
... We were watched everywhere on campus, student life assistants were told to follow us off campus, and we were treated like criminals ...Read full comment
... Hey, it's an inexpensive, quality education, beautiful campus, and you can have fun if you keep your mouth shut at the appropriate times ...Read full comment
... PCC provides excellent facilities (bowling, ice skating, basketball, tennis, swimming, etc) that can be enjoyed without having to leave campus ....Read full comment
... It is a childish system that has no place on a college campus ...Read full comment
... And I know they're having sex on the PCCcampus now - I know I did ...Read full comment
... If one were able to take a look at the backgrounds of most of the people who give negative opinions about PCC, he would find that the majority of ...Read full comment
... You are challenged to excellence in many areas, and challenged by the framework of you life on campus as a student ...Read full comment
... The campus is beautiful and the facilities are great, especially for the price you pay in money ...Read full comment
... This is ridiculous thought, but it is widespread on campus ...Read full comment
... Little did I know that when I stepped foot on that campus on August 1990, my rights as an American were to be completely stripped ...Read full comment
... ) But if you want a GREAT education along with a friendly student body and staff, and a beautiful campus - and you're willing submit to authority,...Read full comment
... I enjoyed my friends and I loved the beautiful campus ...Read full comment
... If ur looking for a great campus (the sports center is THE recreational facility of all colleges), a great education (despite that any major be...Read full comment
... The campus feels more like a prison than a college ...Read full comment
... People who desire to be separated from the typical wild party life on college campuses would be very happy here ...Read full comment
... The low tuition, beautiful facilities, friendly campus and overall safe atmosphere in a southern US climate should only come SECONDARY to the ca...Read full comment
... You would not believe the campus ...Read full comment
... And the campus is great; the university I now attend has far more money than Pensacola does, but its facilities are dumpy compared to what I enjo...Read full comment
... The campus and staff might look bright and good on the outside, but inside they are full of dead man's bones ...Read full comment
... I skipped Bible Conference, went off campus with women, went to Panama City for Spring Break, went to movies, went to Hooters, etc ...Read full comment
... Touching a member of the opposite gender (intentionally or not) is grounds for dismissal from the college ...Read full comment
... I would put the campus experience somewhere between Fahrenheit 451 and 1984 ...Read full comment
... The Campus Church operates as a local church, but is run by the college, specifically by its president ...Read full comment
... It's an absolutely beautiful campus and great college ...Read full comment
... of being the "friendliest" campus ...Read full comment
... There is so much to do on campus with the athletics, and wonderful facilities ...Read full comment
... I believe that even Jesus Himself would have been campused, and recieved demerits ...Read full comment
... but The campus is by far the cleanest, prettiest campus ...Read full comment
... The school has a nice campuse and facilities (not faculty just facilities ...Read full comment
... Affordable, Safe, and Spiritually Minded Campus ...Read full comment
... the campus is beautiful and the food is better than most other college food ...Read full comment
... Sure, the campus may look beautiful and show smile faces on their brochures, but don't be fooled ...Read full comment
... I also had quite the social life as I played every sport and was involved in tons of off campus activities sponsored through the college ...Read full comment
... This helped me recognize the importance of having a daily quiet time because you weren't going to get much when you were required to attend the c...Read full comment
... Starting towards the end of my junior year, the campus church has seemed to greatly mellow in their attacks against alternative denominations, bu...Read full comment
... Say Hi to when not on campus, and you get EXPELLED ...Read full comment
... The campus is beautiful ...Read full comment
... Yes, the campus looks good and my training is decent, thanks only to faculty in spite of the administration ...Read full comment
... " But, come, with these expectations: a friendly campus with faculty, administration, and students who will care about you and welcome you with ...Read full comment
... PCC is a mere book-selling racket, as is the campus church it owns and operates ...Read full comment
... The only thing that really disappointed me about attending PCC was that we students had no choice of an area church to attend: we were required ...Read full comment
... If you like complaining about the rules, the people, the campus, then don't go ...Read full comment
... The campus is second to none and overall--it was a great experience ...Read full comment
... All students, staff, and faculty are required to attend the Campus Church's 3 weekly services, except Bible majors, who are allowed to work Sund...Read full comment
... Beautiful, state-of-the-art campus and facilities, wholesome atmosphere, excellent academics ...Read full comment
... I recommend that you prayerfully consider whether this is the school for you - do your research and if possible, go to visit the campus to view ...Read full comment
... One of my favorite things here on campus is the classes and faculty ...Read full comment
... Musch cant satisfy his wife sexually,it was a known fact around campus he even spoke about it at a church meeting to stop the rumor ...Read full comment
... Their campus is beautiful and they are like a family ...Read full comment
... If you are willing to pay attention, the campus pastor is very good and has a genuine heart for the students ...Read full comment
... As far as campus life goes, I hated the school ...Read full comment
... Visit for a two days or more (and stay on campus) before deciding to go ...Read full comment
... The campus at PCC is friendly ...Read full comment
... PCC was a character-building Godly school, giving an excellent education with a modern, high quality campus and facilities, at a fraction of the c...Read full comment
... This is one of the few colleges that my child will be able to go to with our paying for the tuition because I feel so strongly about the adminis...Read full comment
... The students were friendly and came from varying backgrounds ...Read full comment
... Most, if not all of the rules, assist in the maintenance of a vibrant Christian testimony or they help maintain order on a campus where more tha...Read full comment
... However, when our child arrived on campus in the late 90s things had dramatically changed ...Read full comment
... I failed to gain the edge of reporting news from an "outsider" (or dissenting) POV, because God knows that we must be helped in maintaining our ...Read full comment
... Students on campus are not allowed to voice any opposition to the administration or to read the above web site ...Read full comment
... PCC does have a beautiful campus, some of the faculty and staff are great people, and some majors are pretty good, but over the years the bad ...Read full comment
... You will find a beautiful campus and externally friendly atmosphere ...Read full comment
... If you're off campus and you see a member of the opposite gender, and you talk to them you risk being "socialed" meaning you can't talk to any me...Read full comment
... the campus is pretty, state of the art and looks nice ...Read full comment
... The campus was also great from the grounds to the dorms/residence halls ...Read full comment
... You cannot play the music you like unless it is classical or you bought it in the campus bookstore ...Read full comment
... like how the faculty is so accessible and really cares about the students, how good the food really is compared to other universities, how beauti...Read full comment
... Why did the previous two pastors leave the campus church ...Read full comment
... Great campus ...Read full comment
... There were several times in the late evening that I needed to run down to the campus library from my dorm room to get some info on a project, bu...Read full comment
... Boredom will not be a problem either if you apply yourself to your classes and get involved in the activities on campus such as Collegiate Sport...Read full comment
... It seems to me that this is the cause of most of the problems on campus ...Read full comment
... 50 demerits for talking to the oppo(site gender outside after 5:30pm or dusk + "socialing" which is like being grounded from leaving campus or t...Read full comment
... I have had comtinual nightmares about meeting off campus is "mixed groups ...Read full comment
... The low tuition, beautiful facilities, friendly campus and overall safe atmosphere in a southern US climate should only come SECONDARY to the ca...Read full comment
... You won't find a nicer campus with facilities that most colleges would drool over ...Read full comment
... The PCC campus is beautiful and second to none ...Read full comment
... By the way, you can't wear jeans, A&F or hollister around campus ...Read full comment
... I think if you spend a couple of days there experiencing class and the campus, you will see that it is a great place to call your alma mater ...Read full comment
... In some way's they are legalistic when it comes to spititual worship, theology, dating and off campus activity, but I know the heart of most of t...Read full comment
... As a female (I can only speak for women), you are not allowed to wear pants, you must wear pantyhose at all times except for Saturdays unless yo...Read full comment
... By the way, you can't wear jeans, A&F or hollister around campus ...Read full comment
... PCC is only for those who KNOW and ARE WILLING to deal with the campus and policies ...Read full comment
... Students we don't aleady live in town with parents or spouse, will be required to live on campus in the dorms ...Read full comment
... The buildings and grounds are nice I will admit ...Read full comment
... I have met Pastor Horton on several ocasions arround campus and he was a real gentalman ...Read full comment
... PCC is a friendly campus where you can go and feel safe and make lots of friends ...Read full comment
... I have had comtinual nightmares about meeting off campus is "mixed groups ...Read full comment
... Everywhere you look on campus you see excellence and that is instilled in all of the students (meticulous yardwork, quality programs) ...Read full comment
... They make you go through unneccessary stress when living on campus because you want an unacredited degree how prepostrous ...Read full comment
... For example, the next time someone mentions accreditation or no hand-holding, ask them first about campus crime or student pregnancy rates ...Read full comment
... Rather, I am a teacher and associate pastor who attended PCC's (and Abeka Books') summer program and workshop for teachers that is held on-campu...Read full comment
... In some cases, their version of Christianity was the only way of seeing the world that was acceptable to them (men wear a suit to church on Sun...Read full comment
... All students (with rare exception) must go to the on-campus "Campus Church" ...Read full comment
... Here you go: 1) school is not accredited - BIG problem 2) this will affect you once you leave and try to pursue any advanced degree 3) the soci...Read full comment
... The godly atmosphere and desire to not be like other college and university campuses makes PCC not the right choice for everyone ...Read full comment
... I was campused once for minor things, and got into to trouble over little stuff ...Read full comment
... The campus and facilities were as nice as, if not better than, they were online and on paper ...Read full comment
... I loved the education, the music, the friends I made and the structure of the campus ...Read full comment
... The campus is gorgeous, the recreational facilities are phenomenal, and should you go, you will make some of the best friends of your life there...Read full comment
... Accidentally face different sex person out of campus 9 ...Read full comment
... My last semester there was when the lectures began about the big "rule" about not being able to have your Bible open publically on campus ...Read full comment
... I was a boarding student for the high school living on campus ...Read full comment
... PCC has many good qualities: campus safety, excellent Biblical teaching/preaching, and professionalism about everything thing they do ...Read full comment
... If you are sufficiently wicked, you will not only get kicked out of school (which happens to roughly 15-25% of the student body every semester), ...Read full comment
... Pcc tells you who you are and what to do- you can't even leave campus in jeans and a t-shirt ...Read full comment
... When you go to the campus church there's nothing of that ...Read full comment
... Consequently the atmosphere of the campus is geared toward encouraging students to deepen their walk with their Savior while equipping them for t...Read full comment
... from campus and is a favorite gathering spot for many of the students ...Read full comment
... By the way, you can't wear jeans, A&F or hollister around campus ...Read full comment
... PCC's facilities and campus is bar none one of the nicest I have ever seen ...Read full comment
... Also you can get a job working at just about anything on campus for 3 ...Read full comment
... Your social life will go back in time to the 6th grade as there is no tolerance for talking after 11pm, off-campus dating, touching, and other n...Read full comment
... The campus is beautiful ...Read full comment
... PCC has alot to offer and is an affordable option, especially with the many jobs available on campus ...Read full comment
... It was nice to be able to walk from one end of the campus to the other and feel safe ...Read full comment
... 5) You do have to take a Bible class every semester 6) You will not get kicked out for saying hello to the opposite gender in public 7) You co...Read full comment
... Many people attend this school because of the campus or the low price, but you must be well aware that there are many rules to be followed ...Read full comment
... The music issue here I was expecting but I was not ready for their ban off all headphones and the fact that you will get more demerits for listen...Read full comment
... PCC has alot to offer and is an affordable option, especially with the many jobs available on campus ...Read full comment
... Good points: beautiful campus, very clean, good teaching, spiritual growth, affordable, job experience in your major Negative points: rules, dr...Read full comment
... On one occassion during my second stint, my girlfriend (now my wife) and I were caught giving each other a small kiss on campus ...Read full comment
... But unfortunately if you're going to be a campus student there is much more to consider ...Read full comment
... All the pettiness and subjectivity should be done away with in the administrative offices--such as many of the rules in (or NOT in) the student ...Read full comment
... From the beautiful campus to the orderliness of the offices to the class information, PCC has it all and I loved every minute of it ...Read full comment
... I never would of made it living on campus with all of the issues involved there ...Read full comment
... It is a beautiful and up to date campus offering bowling, swimming, ice skating, indoor track, basketball courts, tennis courts, modern dorms wit...Read full comment
... From leaving campus to simply talking, there are limits and regulations that are strictly enforced and must be followed to remain a student ...Read full comment
... the rules and regulations are not nearly as difficult to live with as some people say; and, being on a secular campus now, I can see how importan...Read full comment
... After I had arrived on campus and allowed my surroundings to sink in, I percieved -to my chagrin- that PCC was not the place for me ...Read full comment
... I willingly enrolled understanding the rules and campus atmosphere ...Read full comment
... The administration wants to know everything about your life off campus ...Read full comment
... How many of you have a close friendship with staff or Campus Church members ...Read full comment
... pervading the campus ...Read full comment
... Then conveniently, you don't even have to leave campus to cast your vote ...Read full comment
... I am responsible for my own behavior on campus ...Read full comment
... I was a Criminal Law major and worked on campus security ...Read full comment
... The two major advantages of PCC are the price, and the avaliability of on-campus work (for minimum wage) ...Read full comment
... The academics are fine, the students life for the most part is good, but the main thing I would say is the rules are ridiculous (you cannot go of...Read full comment
... However, they do claim to be a safe place for a Christian young person to focus on their education and avoid the many temptations and pitfalls t...Read full comment
... Students are watched everywhere they go, treated like children, and not allowed to participate in any activities off campus ...Read full comment
... PCC facilities are much nicer than any other campus ...Read full comment
... From the beautiful campus to the orderliness of the offices to the class information, PCC has it all and I loved every minute of it ...Read full comment
... Yes, they lock the doors to the buildings and to the campus after a certain hour, but that does not equal A+ security ...Read full comment
... The campus is located about a 20 minute drive from gorgeous Pensacola Beach ...Read full comment
... You need to go off of the campus to just breathe and be yourself ...Read full comment
... You must "sign in" and "sign out" whenever you go off campus, telling the school where you're going and when you will be back ...Read full comment
... You also get awesome spiriual training through the Campus Church ...Read full comment
... I am so thankful, after I visited many Public university campuses/dorms, that I was saved from having to put up with the sometime vulgar practic...Read full comment
... Campus life is extremely regimented and subdued, many activiites are planned for you by the school ...Read full comment
... If you're considering attending PCC, visit the campus before you register and don't be afraid to ask questions to students and faculty ...Read full comment
... a full suit and tie is required for dinner and a collared shirt and dress pants are required when going anywhere off campus as well ...Read full comment
... I was very involved student -- I was president of my collegian(required fraternity minus the alcohol, parties, and house), a 'straight A' student...Read full comment
... I thought I would go to another college until I visited the campus, then I knew it was not for me ...Read full comment
... The campus is great and beautiful ...Read full comment
... I never would of made it living on campus with all of the issues involved there ...Read full comment
... The campus is beautiful, and the atmosphere is a blessing to those who desire to please the Lord ...Read full comment
... Pensacola Christian College focuses on training you in two areas: academically through your major and spiritually through the Campus Church and ch...Read full comment
... I wish the school was not so petty about EVERYTHING, gave students religious freedom, and quit the continual expulsion of students based on the ...Read full comment
... This college does have some good things going for it - Beautiful Campus and high academic standards ...Read full comment
... This: I had a great experience at PCC, and I would recommend the school to any Christian that wants to learn in a structured and God-centered e...Read full comment
... Also, I really do enjoy the fact that there is a church right on campus ...Read full comment
... No place is perfect and I am not going to list every disagreement that I had with the school, but here are a few of the major topics with me w...Read full comment
... After my application was approved, I received a letter in the mail stating that I could go down for the summer and work on campus ...Read full comment
... If you are willing to pay attention, the campus pastor is very good and has a genuine heart for the students ...Read full comment
... You also won't find many college campuses as beautiful, or in as beautiful as city as PCC in Pensacola, Florida ...Read full comment
... PCC prides itself in many aspects of campus life, spiritual relevance, etc but this, now, reminds me of a very insignificant, boorish and low-qu...Read full comment
... It's a lot like "1984", except that the campus is very pretty ...Read full comment
... I have met some of my best friends on campus (some of which are no longer here due to rules and getting kicked out) ...Read full comment
... It doesn't cost much and the education is great and the campus is beautiful ...Read full comment
... PCC has a friendly campus with good academic standards and also strict regulations ...Read full comment
... i was a junior and i just got kicked out 3 days ago just for my myspace and for tanning once and going off campus without scanning off ...Read full comment
... FOCUS: The campus is run like a successful business, and at times I feel as though decisions are made based on attracting new students and gettin...Read full comment
... PCC is a great place for students becasue of the safety of the campus and the location of it ...Read full comment
... I loved campus life and formed many life long friendships ...Read full comment
... There is no formalized program in which they allow businesses to recruit on their campus ...Read full comment
... What this campus needs is a peaceful demonstration or protest ...Read full comment
... I was required to wear skirt and hose all the time, even when I WALKED off campus in the sweldering heat because I couldn't escape any other way...Read full comment
... A visit to the campus is the best well to see if this is a good place for you ...Read full comment
... The campus was beautiful, the facilities very modern and user-friendly and the classes were academically challenging ...Read full comment
... There is a positive atmosphere on campus, and many opportunities for extracurricular involvement, if one is not too busy already ...Read full comment
... The campus is great too ...Read full comment
... I challenge anyone who is feeling that God may be leading in the direction of PCC to go visit the campus for himself/herself ...Read full comment
... For example, no dating off campus ...Read full comment
... Additionally, students must wear suits and ties anywhere they go off campus ...Read full comment
... In this beautiful campus, students are given the opportunity to engage in this challenging atmosphere ...Read full comment
... I arrived on campus in pants and everybody stared at me ...Read full comment
... get off campus as much as possible to keep your sanity ...Read full comment
... You are made to believe it is a great campus with great teachers who care about their students ...Read full comment
... The campus was the first place I ever really felt safe, and the students acted as family ...Read full comment
... The nursing students are usually a little brighter than the average on campus, however opening the program to 120 students/yr was a mistake ...Read full comment
... " I loved PCC, created many lasting friendships, and have been back to visit the campus on a few occassions ...Read full comment
... If PCC could glean one truth from all they read here, it is: Please stop trying to be God for every person on campus ...Read full comment
... Closed campus 3 ...Read full comment
... But God did a work in my heart through the preaching and testimony of others here on campus ...Read full comment
... You can walk across campus and get smiles and "hi's" and friendly nods from everyone that you meet ...Read full comment
... By the way, you can't wear jeans, A&F or hollister around campus ...Read full comment
... Just be aware that rules are the all important factor at PCC - while this is not true for every individual it is the atmosphere that pervades th...Read full comment
... Some music that they play at the Campus Church if you took it and put it on a CD, you could get in trouble for listening to it, and on the other ...Read full comment
... The campus is clean and well taken care of and is very safe ...Read full comment
... I was a transfer from a junior college and enrolled in PCC's accounting program after visiting the campus and feeling impressed with the college's...Read full comment
... You do have to be on campus at a certain time, and lights out are at 11, so you're not allowed to stay up all night and drag into class the next...Read full comment
... The campus is very secure and the rules keep us focused on our studies ...Read full comment
... A friendly campus with lots of cultural, service, sports activities ...Read full comment
... they saud that i was not the kind of student they wnated on thier campus because i went on vacation with my bytfriend and his parents ...Read full comment
... PCC has a friendly campus with good academic standards and also strict regulations ...Read full comment
... Additionally, students must wear suits and ties anywhere they go off campus ...Read full comment
... get off campus as much as possible to keep your sanity ...Read full comment
... The campus is beautiful ...Read full comment
... There are many ways to have fun and relieve stress right on campus, and the dearest friends I ever made were from my college days there ...Read full comment
... ) But if you want a GREAT education along with a friendly student body and staff, and a beautiful campus - and you're willing submit to authority,...Read full comment
... Two guys were walking down the sidewalk on campus singing the song with their arms out in a flying motion ...Read full comment
... I do not feel the campus is safe, either ...Read full comment
... After graduating with my Bachelor of Arts in English, I was able to stay on for two more years, live on campus, and work for the college while ge...Read full comment
... Anything written after the turn of the 20th century was viewed with suspicion by most people on campus ...Read full comment
... The campus is located about a 20 minute drive from gorgeous Pensacola Beach ...Read full comment
... I just wanted off campus and I haven't looked back ...Read full comment
... PCC has a beautiful campus and great facilities ...Read full comment
... The rules are in place to provide a calm, safe environment where one has the opportunity to learn without the distractions found on most campuse...Read full comment
... I felt like such a rebel--looking back it is funny that I was a "rebel" for leaving campus with three other girls going to approved places, but ...Read full comment
... Beautiful campus, friendly atmosphere, and you get chances after chances to grow in the Lord ...Read full comment
... this school as far as rules it stinks yes that what i said stinks take your money and run because it's jail time you get if you get a pass to leav...Read full comment
... but The campus is by far the cleanest, prettiest campus ...Read full comment
... Also, while they do ALLOW internships (but only ON CAMPUS) they do NOT encourage them ...Read full comment
... You can;t have any physical contact with the opposite sex or go off campus with a member of the opposite sex ...Read full comment
... 25 years later and widowed; I decide to check on the campus ...Read full comment
... A woman does not have the same rights as the men (women have to be 21 before they can go off campus; men can do so at 18) ...Read full comment
... I broke up with him and he stalked me around campus and left posters outside of my classrooms and would follow me around yelling at me ...Read full comment
... I encountered a lot of unspoken rules after I arrived on campus ...Read full comment
... Friendly people, an attractive campus, and most importantly to me, a place to consider God while studying for a job ...Read full comment
... Last I knew was that computers couldn't be taken off campus and that men have to show their IDs when going into their dorms ...Read full comment
... Yes, it is in a pretty area with a beautiful campus and a very low tuition ...Read full comment
... The campus is great too ...Read full comment
... There are a lot of power hungry floorleaders on this campus ...Read full comment
... I found a way to let this go while I was there, but I strongly disagree with the way the school handles disciplinary action against it's students...Read full comment
... Once I was off campus with a member of the opposite sex and ran into a residence assistant with their significant other ...Read full comment
... I would also like to add in a little blurb about the new campus church pastor Neal Jackson ...Read full comment
... Skirts must be worn every day, you can't talk to guys outside of "unchaperoned areas" past 7 pm, and you can't be off campus past 10 pm, not to m...Read full comment
... One of the dumb things that I never understood was concerning my off-campus job ...Read full comment
... First of all, it is very amusing to me that PCC would actually send an email requesting alumni to post their thoughts on this board when I know fo...Read full comment
... There is white glove cleaning as in the military but the purpose of this is the keep the campus clean and well cared for ...Read full comment
... Although PCC does have a nice campus and a friendly student body and staff i would not recommend PCC for most people ...Read full comment
... Some music that they play at the Campus Church if you took it and put it on a CD, you could get in trouble for listening to it, and on the other ...Read full comment
... The campus is impressive, and you can receive a good education from this place ...Read full comment
... I cannot say that I enjoyed the dorm life or the on-campus activities, but it was worth it for a good education ...Read full comment
... If you do something off campus, never more than three, and never talk about it (aka brag) you will be kicked out so fast and you will never find...Read full comment
... com as a long-time student, i can verify that this site is honest, truthful, and tells how life on campus really is ...Read full comment
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