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Pensacola Christian College

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Date: Mar 26 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
PCC has gotten a lot of negative reviews but I had a positive experience. What made it a great experience was the teachers I had. They were all dedicated and had a personal relationship with the Lord and it showed. Now that is not to say that they aren't a bit extreme in some of their rules but what's funny is all of their rules seem to have some reason. It was usually one person who ruined it for everybody. Since my graduation they have chilled out on a bunch of the rules. Their campus is beautiful and they are like a family. I worked for the school in the admissions office and taught at the academy during my internship. PCC's rules work for them. I'm not saying I'd behave that way outside of the school but just like another country might have a culture that you'd respect, PCC is the same way.
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