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Pensacola Christian College

Educational QualityB+ Faculty AccessibilityB+
Useful SchoolworkC Excess CompetitionC-
Academic SuccessC+ Creativity/ InnovationC-
Individual ValueD University Resource UseC
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA- FriendlinessD
Campus MaintenanceA- Social LifeF
Surrounding CityA Extra CurricularsF
Describes the student body as:
, , , ' color='class=grade' >

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, ' color='class=grade' >

Not so bright

Social Life

Surrounding City
She cares more about Extra Curriculars than the average student.
Date: Jan 31 2010
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
While attending PCC for four years I can honestly say that I had plenty of problems with "student Life" and "Floor Leaders". Anyone who considers themselves to be an independent person, with common sense, and interested in attending this college needs some insight as to how they will be treated. I was able to get by for three years with only minor problems with demerits for teen rated video games, country music, and headphones. The fourth year was quite different, One of the current deans who used to be a residence manager decided that I did not have the wonderful "Spirit" that every ideal PCC student should have, so he decided to taunt me and my room mates. We were watched everywhere on campus, student life assistants were told to follow us off campus, and we were treated like criminals. Finally they outright blamed us for having drugs, alcohol, and tobacco in our room. They had told us that some other student thought "we were acting funny and must have been using drugs or something." Based on that alone we were pulled out of our room, interrogated with scare tactics and finally had our room searched - they found nothing. When they were done with our room they went to my car and tore it apart - they found nothing, but told us that they knew "something was going on." The next semester, right after the day where payment for the full semester would be owed, we were brought up to student life and kicked out for "not conforming to the spirit of PCC." My Parents were not contacted then struggled for a week to talk to a dean. (A stark contrast to the stories they tell about random pastors children who fall into trouble) When my parents finally reached someone they were told to fax an appeal and they did, but were never contacted back. I know that people will say that nowhere is perfect, but PCC doesn't even strive towards treating the students or parents with any respect. I have spoken with people who were employed throughout the school and attended for four years, I am not naive. PCC cannot fool everyone. I felt compelled to write this due to the fact that PCC is now sending students a card with an offer that says they will pay for your entire fourth year if you attend for three years. When my brother received it I looked for the fine print and laughed. It says: "A student must remain in good standing." At PCC, good standing isn't just following the rules and doing what you are supposed to do. Its something that's relative and up to the "Student life office." Before you take this offer, realize that you are most likely going to be scrutinized more intensively and don't be surprised if you find trouble during your third year there. If you know PCC, then you have heard about "Spring Cleaning" (many students are kicked out during the spring semester every year) I have spoken with an acquaintance who worked in the finance office. She said that "PCC will do this to clean up their books and all the employees know its coming." (when you are removed you still owe full tuition) I feel what separates me from most others who write negative reviews is I just don't want to see more good people torn down by this school and its administration. I have absolutely no problems with teachers, they are a fine group who do their job well. The school has very good rules, but some need to be updated or thrown out. What I find is the critical issue with PCC is not rules, its the application of rules. I was told that "rules without a relationship always equals rebellion" This school unfortunately finds itself with a very long list of rules and no real love for or relationships with students. Floorleaders and deans do not attempt to build relationships and direct students out of love, there is always position and protocol interfering. Please do your homework with this school, It may be good for you. Don't just go because a friend does or go based on how the school looks or feels. Base your decision off of the ones who are there and the ones who have gone before. Talk to current and former students and make a well informed decision. If you are considering this school, I wish you the best of luck wherever you choose to go and thank you for reading.
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