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Pensacola Christian College

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Quite Bright

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She cares more about Safety than the average student.
Date: May 16 2013
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I grew up on the A Beka curriculum produced by PCC's homeschool publishing arm, so PCC was always my first (and really only) choice of school. I went in a bright-eyed, naive teenager eager to serve God and left, only one year later, a jaded adult who wanted nothing to do with their version of God. Do not be deceived. The campus is beautiful. The rules, however, are harsh and too numerous to keep up with. (Nor are all of them written down, and new ones are introduced every week.) Anyone can accuse anyone else of just about anything, and you are then presumed guilty unless you can somehow prove your innocence. I was a goody-two-shoes who never broke rules and I was still constantly hauled in front of DC (discipline committee-oh yeah, you get the full interrogation experience), once for fainting in church (as if that were my fault). I became ill my second semester there and they were heartless. I was even told by my floor leader that something must be wrong with my walk with God or I wouldn't be sick. And that doesn't even begin to touch the academics. I only spent a year there, so I cannot speak for everything, but as a history major I can speak rather well for the history department. PCC teaches pure, unadulterated revisionist history. World history is only barely glossed over if it somehow relates to America and otherwise is untouched. American history is rewritten so that every important leader was somehow a Christian and America has been from its birth the sole thing standing between the rest of the world and destruction. In PCC history, genocide of Native Americans is completely ignored in favor of a breathless love of the rugged pioneer, ripping a great land from the wilderness. Russia played no part in WWII. The McCarthy witch hunts were totally justified and communism is still a major threat to America. If you insist upon going to PCC for a history degree and plan to work in the field anywhere outside of PCC, you will have to unlearn and re-learn everything you thought you knew. If you are bound and determined to go to PCC, at least go prepared. The rules are infantile and intensely controlling, the academics are extremely sub-par, and any credits you earn are unlikely to transfer anywhere, even with the shiny new accreditation PCC is promoting. The best thing I ever did in my life was leave and earn my degree elsewhere. Caveat emptor!
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