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Pensacola Christian College

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Aug 01 2013
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
If you are a female; pants, shorts, short skirts, and cleavage are considered sinful. 99% of non-hymn music is sinful. Shaking or holding a man's hand is sinful and will be punished - like Catholic Middle School. If you are dead set on going...Learn make-up, hair, and/or typing before you go. Hundreds had no clue how to do it. Be stealth! Blend in and smile! Fortunately, I always did prefer wearing dresses except when it is freezing and it does occasionally freeze there. OK! I turned 23 when I was a freshman. The rules were a little easier on the 23 and older crowd. Dating? Let's just say I was glad to be 23 and I was really good with make-up. All the sermons on liberals and gays, music, dating and marriage made me wonder if they had a clue about real life issues and few of the staff wives looked happy in their marriages. 25 years later and widowed; I decide to check on the campus. Still looks like an early 50's blast from the past. Oi! doesn't look like much has changed.
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