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Pensacola Christian College

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Date: Mar 26 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Just being from a Christian College seems to automatically make people assume that they can trust that you will be a honest worker. Also, the structure that is taught while on campus (although seems tedious at the moment) tends to show that you are focused in what you do. When attending PCC, the first thing is to know that there are standards and guidelines to follow. Then choose to do them if that is where you want to go. It is well worth it just for the life long friendships that you will form. If you choose it, it will be a great time of Spiritual growth for you. Be informed before you go. Know that you may not agree with everything (although as a parent, I like some of the rules I once thought were silly). Go with a willingness to learn from those around you, and you will be blessed.
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