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Pensacola Christian College

Educational QualityF Faculty AccessibilityF
Useful SchoolworkF Excess CompetitionC
Academic SuccessC Creativity/ InnovationF
Individual ValueF University Resource UseF
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA+ FriendlinessF
Campus MaintenanceA+ Social LifeC-
Surrounding CityC Extra CurricularsC-
Describes the student body as:
, , , , ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
, , ' color='class=grade' >


Educational Quality

Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty
He cares more about Faculty Accessibility than the average student.
Date: Aug 15 2014
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I came from a strict church which holds quite similar values to the ones PCC imposes on their students. I was notified from a friend of a small portion of the rules that would be in place there. However, I was never informed of the intense fervor they have for enforcing their arbitrary rules. In my opinion, based on my experience as a graduating alumnus of this "college", there is no reason anyone should attend this school, Christian or otherwise. One day you may be worried about studying for an exam and getting enough time in at the library, the next, you could be looking a dean in the face wondering if you'll be expelled due to a false accusation from an overzealous floor-leader. No matter how hard you try to stay within the boundaries of the rules and no matter how well you know them, you will be cited for something at some point. All rules can be enforced by any student who decides to play morality police at any time. Even a first day freshman student. There is a guidebook for rules that you can read online or have sent to you, but it does not include the details that can drown you. It is my opinion that this school is not concerned with how well their students are educated. I believe they are motivated to spread their practices of the "ideal Christian family" on to as many people as will put up with them. Living a certain lifestyle takes priority over any and every academic endeavor. During an election season, you will be reminded time and again how a certain political candidate is an enemy of God's people. Then conveniently, you don't even have to leave campus to cast your vote. With all that hassle of living on edge expecting someone to tap you on the shoulder at any moment to point out some superficial flaw, in the end, you aren't getting a single regional credit for your hard work. WHY BOTHER?
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