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Pensacola Christian College

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' color='class=grade' >

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Quite Bright

Educational Quality

Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty
She cares more about Faculty Accessibility than the average student.
Date: Apr 14 2004
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
TO be painfully honest, this college SUCKED! I was forced to go here by my parents because they were brainwashed into thinking that this was a great college also. The only positive thing that I can say about it is that I made some great friends, some of which were in my wedding! I got kicked out my second year with 5 weeks left to go. I was foolish tho and dated Jesse Loiacono (bad judgment, i know). I broke up with him and he stalked me around campus and left posters outside of my classrooms and would follow me around yelling at me. Well, I had moved on and was just hanging out with a great guy (josh smith). We were tennis buddies and he hated the school too. Well, I was on my 3rd week in a row of being campused, and to cheer me up, he "Ph'd" me some superman boxers (I have a superman fetish). I wore them as pj's, nothing sexual I swear. Later he wrote me a letter that said "haha, isn't it funny that now we have matching underwear". It was a joke. Well, Jesse had seen my name and room number on that letter. He took it upon himself to photocopy it and turn it into the deans. (this was a Saturday) Monday, they called Josh and I both up there, accused us of having sex and crap, and kicked us both out. What kind of messed up school doens't even consider what you are saying? I dind't even have a chance to explain! I am over it, but I still have very ill feelings toward this school. I am going up there for graduation this year tho, and even tho I am married, I am going to hug and touch every guy there just for spite, and I plan on wearing "non Pcc attire"!
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