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Pensacola Christian College

Educational QualityA+ Faculty AccessibilityA+
Useful SchoolworkA- Excess CompetitionA
Academic SuccessA Creativity/ InnovationA-
Individual ValueA University Resource UseA
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA+ FriendlinessA
Campus MaintenanceA Social LifeA-
Surrounding CityA- Extra CurricularsA
Describes the student body as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
, ' color='class=grade' >


Useful Schoolwork

Educational Quality
She rated most things higher than other students did.
Date: May 18 2008
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I am a student here at PCC. I would have to say first of all, If you don't like rules then don't come here. I have known a couple people who have been kicked out because they didn't follow the rules. There are not as many rules though, as people say. The demerit system is there to help us be disciplined and if you work with the system then you can get less than 15 demerits. One of my favorite things here on campus is the classes and faculty. PCC has a great art department. It is very challenging. During my freshman year, the art department taught me many good aspects of drawing. I did not know much about art before I came here and it has been a good experience. The faculty at PCC are great. Most of my teachers are available if I need them. The art teachers are always willing to help and teachers are usually around campus during the day so you can go to their office. I would definitely recommend this college to anyone who wants to do God's will and is willing to be a servant for Christ.
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