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Pensacola Christian College

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Date: Dec 31 1969
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Good points: beautiful campus, very clean, good teaching, spiritual growth, affordable, job experience in your major Negative points: rules, dress code, music standards, controlling, not accredited At a time in your life when you are trying to grow up, PCC treats you like a child. You really do have to fit into their mold. Very protective parents and students not yet ready to face the world will love this college. I, being a music major, had a big problem with the limited music allowed. They are stuck in the classical era and the 1800's church music. They do not acknowlege that all instruments and styles of music can be used for God's glory. The rules were stifling, yet I knew God wanted me there, so I put up with them. Although I did not agree with all of the doctrine taught, the instructors taught me the importance of God's Word and how to back up what I believe with the Bible. If you ever want to teach in a public school, you will need to be accredited. Most private schools are now requiring their teachers to be accredited too. Expect to have to do more schooling at an accredited university after getting your degree here if you are going into the teaching field. Dating on campus - the no touch rule was very frustrating at the time. Looking back, it was a good thing. It keeps you from getting too involved with a person at a time when you should be focusing on schooling. It helped me to get to know my boyfriend (now husband) very well because we couldn't get physical. PCC isn't for everybody. Definitely pray about whether or not God wants you there. If He wants you there, you can put up with what you don't like about PCC to get out of it what He wants you to.
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