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Pensacola Christian College

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She cares more about Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty than the average student.
Date: Jun 24 2005
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I was a student there for 2 years...from fall of 1994 till may of 1996. I was a Missions major with a Communications minor. I realized so much was just not right with that place... Yet I would not be who I am today without having spent so much of my time there.... I was never asked to leave...but always teetered closely... My last semester there was when the lectures began about the big "rule" about not being able to have your Bible open publically on campus... That was the last straw. The God I believe would never have that "rule"...along with so many other unwritten "rules" least now there is this site where you can read what the school is REALLY like. Over the years my stories of this place called PCC have gathered crowds and shocked hundreds...fellow believers and many non-believers. I would not even be surprised if there were some new rules made up because of my presence there! I have heard that they banned communication students from performing a poem called "The Fly" by Karl Shapiro (b.1913) [p. 321 in the 8th edition of Sound and Sense-an introduction to poetry by Laurence Perrine and Thomas R. Arp]...I grossed too many fellow speech students out when I performed it for lab in the blackbox theather... And who knows if walking back and forth on the little brick wall in front of the huge glass windows of the Commons building is even allowed? I used to do that for night, alone, studying my peoms for classes...or in the the pouring silent protest...I know that some remember... So many stories I could tell... I still dream of it...or are they nightmares now? I wish there was a list of the students that were forced to leave...that I knew...that never got a chance to even say goodbye or explain why they had to go... I dreamt of that place last night...but in my dream there was even more...more secrets...more underground happenings...experiments being done on students...mind control in Brave New World...silent chantings and repitions of campus ideals and rules being played all could hear the sounds coming through the vents in the dorm rooms in Bradley... So... How many of us are there? Survivors... And what are they up to now? How do we connect to one finally share our stories and have them be completely understood by the listeners? Let me know if there is a way... Or what else you know... Our Voices may not conform...and may not be listened to by anyone there at the school...but it does not mean we are not strong and may be heard in the future... Survivor of 2 years at PCC
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