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Pensacola Christian College

Educational QualityA+ Faculty AccessibilityA+
Useful SchoolworkA Excess CompetitionB
Academic SuccessA Creativity/ InnovationB
Individual ValueB+ University Resource UseB
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA+ FriendlinessA
Campus MaintenanceB+ Social LifeB
Surrounding CityA Extra CurricularsA
Describes the student body as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
' color='class=grade' >


Excess Competition

Educational Quality
He cares more about Campus Maintenance than the average student.
Date: Mar 26 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I don't feel that I was "brainwashed" as some former students state. I willingly enrolled understanding the rules and campus atmosphere. I expected the strict rules, and though I didn't agree with all of them, I subjected myself to them. As far as the academics, I can only speak from my experience and from my degree in criminal justice. After graduating, I enrolled in one of the police academies in Florida which is required to become a law enforcement officer here. My particular academy was very focused on academics and I excelled (placing in a tie for third overall out of thirty students) due largely to the subject matter covered in my courses at PCC. I was already familiar with the concepts being taught at the academy. Lastly, as for the student friendliness, you have to be a friend to have friends. I was not very outgoing but made some tremendous friends during my stay. Including one special friend who I married.
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