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Pensacola Christian College

Educational QualityD- Faculty AccessibilityB
Useful SchoolworkD Excess CompetitionD+
Academic SuccessD+ Creativity/ InnovationD
Individual ValueD University Resource UseD
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA- FriendlinessC-
Campus MaintenanceB+ Social LifeC+
Surrounding CityC+ Extra CurricularsC
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, , , , ' color='class=grade' >

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' color='class=grade' >


Educational Quality

Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty
He cares more about Educational Quality than the average student.
Date: Apr 07 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
This was a great college for my major if you want to go somewheres cheap this is it. It doesnt cost hardly anything. Mostly what you learn about is the Bible and how the King James Bible was inspired by God he told all the profits how to write it down and such. Practicly every class is about how the King James Bible is the only one. You get tired of hearing about it so much sometimes and then you repent and start back liking to hear about it. Some people complain about accredation but I never had no problem with church's taking my degree to be a preacher, I've been preaching now as evangelist and been in almost 7 churches in the last 4 years, none of them asked me about accredation. So there. Also I dont know anything about other majors but if you go to PCC you dont have to go to seminary you already learned the KJB is inspired so that's that. Now about the rules this is God's Boot Camp and so they are strickt. But you learn fast to behave dont worry about it. Also you can get a job working at just about anything on campus for 3.75 an hour, that adds up fast because there isnt nothing in town to spend the money on. Also if you are not convince by my argument so far just look at there buildings and you will se God has blessed them greatly.
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