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Pensacola Christian College

Educational QualityF Faculty AccessibilityB
Useful SchoolworkC Excess CompetitionD
Academic SuccessA- Creativity/ InnovationF
Individual ValueF University Resource UseF
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA+ FriendlinessC
Campus MaintenanceA+ Social LifeF
Surrounding CityB- Extra CurricularsF
Describes the student body as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Educational Quality

Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty
She cares more about Educational Quality than the average student.
Date: Dec 08 2008
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I went to PCC for 2 years beginning in 03. I went basically on a deal with my dad. I go to a "good" Christian College for a year, and he would pay for my college elsewhere. Well, through my time there I saw a lot of my friends shadowed and expelled. I was campused once for minor things, and got into to trouble over little stuff. the summer after my second year I was regaling a friend with some stories and he looked at me and just said "Why go back?" that's when it hit me. "Why?" I could not come up with a good answer. I didn't want to be there. Sure, I endured to endless rules and even had fun with my friends. I lied and got off to go to a few beach parties and even got away with some things that suprise me now! but bottom line was I didn't want to be there. I tranfered to UWF (they took most of my credits, thank God!)and later moved to south florida. my life totally changed after PCC. i became the person i wanted to be, not the one PCC was trying to mold me into. for a while i didn't go to church, but when I did find a church to attend, it was because I wanted to go -- not because i was forced to go. I met and married my husband, we have a little girl, and my life could not be happier. I am part of a wonderful family, church, and career. When I look back on PCC i just have to laugh. I hold no bitter feelings, I just feel for those who went through what i did and thought there was soemthing wrong with them for not feeling the way the faculty did. I finished reading a book the other day that i would like to reccomend. "The longest trip home" by, uh, I don't remember, but he also wrote "Marley and me" Though the book is about growing up catholic, I think PCC students can relate to it as well. it's the same concept, different religion. Good luck to all who read this, and if you think PCC is right for you, great! If you don't, don't feel bad -- you'll find your own way.
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