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Pensacola Christian College

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Apr 08 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Being a student at PCC wasn't always easy, but I definetly believe I benefited from being there. I learned alot about getting along with others, submitting to authority and hard work. I made alot of friends, and had the privilege of having excellent teachers. I was there during a particular era of CJ instructors - old school and extremely involved and concerned about our outcome. The campus was beyond beautiful, as far as college campuses go. It was also nice to know that you were safe. There was never any concern that something terribly bad could fall upon you. To be such an open atmosphere in the dorms - there was very little crime. It was also an atmosphere where you were given the opportunity to get as involved as you wanted, or not at all. The spiritual aspect of the college was also amazing, providing one took the time to benefit from the great & Godly men that were brought to speak in chapel & church. Sure, it wasn't all fun and games & at times accredidation has been an issue, but I firmly believe that I was there at that time for a specific reason. If you don't like it, leave, but don't spoil it for the rest.
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