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Pensacola Christian College

Educational QualityB- Faculty AccessibilityB
Useful SchoolworkC+ Excess CompetitionC
Academic SuccessA+ Creativity/ InnovationC+
Individual ValueF University Resource UseC+
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA+ FriendlinessA+
Campus MaintenanceA+ Social LifeA
Surrounding CityB+ Extra CurricularsA
Describes the student body as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
, , , ' color='class=grade' >


Individual Value

Academic Success
He cares more about Individual Value than the average student.
Date: Feb 26 2010
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Before I write this review, I want to say that I am 23 and thus my words should have more clout than the immature rantings of a teenager. I had originally intended to write a neutral review strongly urging caution however, upon further thought, I have decided that the negative points of PCC far outway the positive points and so this is a negative review. PCC in many ways is a wonderful place. The campus is gorgeous, the recreational facilities are phenomenal, and should you go, you will make some of the best friends of your life there. This potentially wonderful experience is ruined however by an atmosphere of fear. Do not go to PCC unless you are willing to almost completely relinquish your personal freedoms and constantly be afraid of breaking the rules. Games above an E rating are not allowed, what music is acceptable and what isn't is highly subjective as there are no clear-cut guidlines for determining that, and if you don't turn in a roommate who is doing something he/she would be kicked out for, you risk getting kicked out along with them. That's right, if you don't turn in rule-breakers you could be kicked out for your "crime" of silence. As for movies don't even go there. It is 75 demerits per movie and with a 150 demerit ceiling, two is enough to get you booted. And no it doesn't matter if you have Pooh's Grand Adventure, you will still get in trouble. Internet is so heavily filtered that most of it is unaccessible. Perfectly fine sites are blocked becuase they happen to fall into one of PCC's neatly defined little categories. Should you get in trouble, Student Life can be ruthless. If you are kicked out you are required to leave campus in 24 hours. I myself got in trouble because I was doing something that they had already told me once to stop doing. I thought they were going to kick me out. When I told them, that should they dismiss me I would not be able to arrange transportation home in 24 hours, they told me point blank that that wasn't their problem. I couldn't believe how cold and uncaring these supposedly Christian people where! I was allowed to stay and finish the semester but they told me that because of what I did, I may not be allowed to return the next semester. Do you know what they did? They called me in on the day that everyone is allowed to leave for home and told me I couldn't come back the next semester! This was after my travel plans had been set in stone. I had purchased a round-trip ticket! Because of their last minute style of informing me I couldn't come back, I had no way to plan accordingly. Had they told me earlier in the semester I would not have lost money due to unused portions of my tickets! My personal belief is that they do things that way to discourage people from coming back who they have black-listed in their minds. Many of the teachers themselves are fresh out of college. These are called GAs (graduate assistants). I kid you not, my English teacher for one of my semesters was 24, only two years older than I was at the time! She was a good teacher buit that is not always the case. I was a computer information systems major but trying to learn the material from teachers who are inexperienced is like pulling teeth. In conclusion please please please educate yourself before you attend this school! Go here to read the 2002 Pensacola Christian College handbook. It's not the most recent and things are less strict now than they were back then but it will give you an idea of what you're in for. This site is not endorsed by PCC by the way. They don't let you know any of the rules until you are a student. This site was started by a student who wanted to get the truth out there of what PCC is really like so that other prospective students could be warned. Click here to read what the college president had to say about this revealer of the truth. I could say so much more but you get the idea. Eductae yourself, be informed, and don't let the Florida sun, palm trees, and practised smiles suck you in.
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