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Pensacola Christian College

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Date: Sep 10 2011
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
The strict struction of PCC definately helped me. Glad I spent the extra money for my diploma after 2nd year. Went back for 3rd year and wonder where I would be if they hadn't had me Shadowed because I helped 2 people communicate who were Campused. I chose to drop out jsut before finals and now they have me listed as having been kicked out?????? Wonder where I would be if I had the chance to finish my 4 year degree?? Now they still won't let me sign up for Alumni emails without a letter of explanation to the dean of students. I have nothign to explain to anyone..... Bet all my old friends wonder where I am. They did teach good morals and good work ethic which I believe has helped me along in my job. If my kids decide to go there I would allow it but with a good warning.
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