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Pensacola Christian College

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Sep 18 2004
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I made the decision to go to PCC knowing the rules upfront. The campus is beautiful. I made some good life long friends. I would say most of the course work was above average. I entered into an MBA program at a State University, and they were using the Accounting book I had my freshman year at PCC. However, in order to control and manipulate the students to come out with a unified belief system, they actually may turn students away from a relationship with Jesus Christ. Rather than solidfying what I believed as a Christian, their strict interpretation of absolutes caused me to question my faith when I left. And I questioned God's forgiving Grace. There is a place for certain students that need or want a school like PCC. Please go and enjoy your 4 years. However, PCC is DEFINITELY not for everyone. Parents, please don't force your teenager to go there if they aren't wanting to be there. That is what causes some of the bitterness that people have. I can tell you that when I was there, I viewed my 75 demerits as an expense account. I knew I could break so many rules without getting campused. I used them. I wish the college would acknowledge that there are hurting students at their school. Some come from rigid homes that are uncaring. Some come from broken families. It is only to get more complex in the upcoming years. I wish they would learn what God's GRACE really is and show it. Good luck to those of you who chose to go!!!
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