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Pensacola Christian College

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Apr 14 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I would not recommend this college to anyone looking into a 4-year competitive degree. PCC does not teach you to think. The faculty and administration teach you WHAT to think and generally, anything outside of their agenda is considered "counter-cultural" and a danger to the institution. You are frequently treated as a child and never trusted. The rules are unnecessarily harsh down to the barbed-wire around the gates pointing IN. Many refer to PCC as "the bubble". There is very little incentive to leave campus and if you do, it is very difficult to do so. (Freshman women must only leave campus in a group of five women and you are not permitted to talk to those of the opposite gender while off campus.) After graduation I found it very difficult to find a job because PCC is not accredited and difficult to get into grad-school, as well. I did not feel prepared for the working world. Frankly, it was a shock!
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