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Pensacola Christian College

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Date: Nov 13 2014
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I write this as a Christian, homeschooling mother of four. I spent two years at their private high school and a year at the college itself. It was a degrading experience and I was glad I got out. I ran to this school as a way to get out of a bad family situation, but I only managed to run from one emotionally and spiritually abusive situation into another. The system the college has set up for "moral accountability" is nerve wracking and put me on edge even though I was a line follower. I was a full believer in the school when I started but in the end my fervor was eaten away by the lack of trust and true compassion from the school. The school was really subtle about their judgmental attitudes. Many of the teachers there truly did care, but the harshness in the system was built into the deans themselves and the floor leaders/student leaders they trained. Someone could smile to your face and turn you in with no qualms the moment your back was turned. Walking around campus you would see students sitting in common areas holding phones. Those were the people you wanted to avoid. As a woman I could walk past two of them and get nailed with a demerit by the third because my shirt was "too tight" on my curvy frame. Skinny, flat chested girls could get away with tighter clothes. Heaven forbid you have an average frame, you are stuck wearing maternity type shirts or jackets all the time. As a homeschooling mother of four children I cannot recommend this college to anyone and have actively discouraged other homeschool parents from considering this school for their child. I am raising my children to be adults. If my children still need babysitting in their college years, I have failed in my job as a parent. I am not saying that the college experience has to have the cultural expectations of debauchery and wild living. However, I do expect my children to make sound decisions by the time they are legal adults. That should be the goal of any parent who wants what is best for their child.
Responses where your results can become great by finding married chicks to bang. I'm sure you'll find a good partner for an evening there.' color='color=#675083' >
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