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Pensacola Christian College

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Describes the student body as:

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Not so bright

Educational Quality

Educational Quality
She cares more about Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty than the average student.
Date: Oct 16 2010
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
this school as far as rules it stinks yes that what i said stinks take your money and run because it's jail time you get if you get a pass to leave the grounds and not a chance to explain things clearly you will be dismiss how can you break any rules if you recieve a pass to leave the grounds then removed from you room to sleep with other people being followed around with someone all day and night that's call jail. shame on this what ever kind of christain school it's jail. parents think about it before you place your child in this jail because what you see it's not roses all the time hear the cry out from some of the student that did that and done that.
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