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Pensacola Christian College

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Date: Oct 19 2005
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Realize that PCC is infested with a faculty that, for the majority, try to play up to the Dr. Horton-ites that fund the cult of PCC. If you want to be denied your Constitutional rights, attend PCC. If you want to be demoralized, attend PCC. Being held accountable for actions is responsible. Being expelled on grounds based solely on rumors or opinions is criminal. If PCC was a case presented in a court of law it would be smashed. Never would I have believed religious persecution would happen on a campus supposedly founded on Christian principals. You get busted for having your Bible open in public!! Lord forbid you try to witness to someone! And then, the gall of an instructor to say to a student that PCC is not a place for non-Christians!! ??HELLO?? I ended up being regurgitated from the bowls of this institution partial of my first year for a discussion which was staged to be confidential but instead was a which hunt for those who stand up for themselves. Later I was called to the military. For those of the Ensemble who feal they are running a 'military' type school they are far from it...unless their goal was to mimic Hitler's Third Reich. Do your homework. If possible go to the campus and talk to the students now. See for yourself before you invest money and time into the oppressive comunistic abortion of PCC.
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