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Pensacola Christian College

Educational QualityC Faculty AccessibilityC
Useful SchoolworkC Excess CompetitionC
Academic SuccessC Creativity/ InnovationC
Individual ValueC University Resource UseC
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA+ FriendlinessC
Campus MaintenanceA+ Social LifeC
Surrounding CityC Extra CurricularsC
Describes the student body as:
' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:


Educational Quality

Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty
She cares more about Safety than the average student.
Date: Mar 24 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I recently sent a review in, but I neglected to explain why I rated security with a C. Please know that when you go to this college, you will not be able to lock the door to your suite. Yes, they lock the doors to the buildings and to the campus after a certain hour, but that does not equal A+ security. Bad people attend and work for Christian Colleges. Unless they have security cameras hidden in hallways (which is not unlikely) not being able to lock the door to your room is a safety breach. Do not bring jewelry and things that have sentimental value or cannot be replaced. Things do get stolen at PCC.
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