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Pensacola Christian College

Educational QualityA+ Faculty AccessibilityD-
Useful SchoolworkC- Excess CompetitionC+
Academic SuccessB+ Creativity/ InnovationF
Individual ValueF University Resource UseF
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyB FriendlinessC
Campus MaintenanceA Social LifeF
Surrounding CityC Extra CurricularsC
Describes the student body as:
, , , , , ' color='class=grade' >

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, , ' color='class=grade' >

Quite Bright

Creativity/ Innovation

Educational Quality
She cares more about Faculty Accessibility than the average student.
Date: Dec 05 2009
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Here at Pensacola "christian" college they are anything but. I was expecting to be out of the loop a little when I came down here becasue Im not baptist but I was like yea what ever I believe what the bible says so I should be fine. Was I wrong. Not only do they claim that other denominations are cults but they also claim that if you go or want to go to anyother college...christian or are not following God's will and are most likly going to hell. Women are treated so bad here....aledgedly to protect them. Most of the rules here are not written down anywhere so you are almost guarenteed to break at least one and get some demerits. Also the rules dont make much sense. For example in the library there is a glass staircase hall and untill recently the girls and the guys had to use two seperate staircases in this hall to get to the top. WHAT KIND OF TROUBLE CAN YOU GET INTO WITH A GUY ON A GLASS STAIRCASE! also in the library guys are not permited to speak at all to the girls and vice verca. these are only examples of some of the rules here....there are more and not all of them have to do with guy girl relationships. The school does not prepare you for real life at all. The students live in a little bubble and are treated like children, which I admit for some is probably a good thing but for others ,like myself who are used to treated as adults becasue we were adults before we came here, it is like living in a strait jacket! The academics are wonderful and fun I realy have noticed an improvement in my academic level and yet they are not acreddited and only two college in the united states will allow you to transfer credits from here. There is so much emphisis on dating here it feels almost like a breeding camp at times, and yet they are not allowed to even hold hands so the students here are masters at seduction techneiques and I have a feeling that alot of them are going to get into trouble when they graduate. The working program treats you like slave labor. Here school comes second to work. If you become a contract student your soul is gone. There is no way out of that contract. They have spys everywhere. The shop keepers in the surrounding town are told that if they see anyone from the college doing anything, like entering a boycotted store even if they dont buy anything, to report it to the college. The college also plants other college students around the town to spy on their peers as well. You are encoraged to report fellow students and not so you can help them with major problems that may hurt them later in life but so you wont get demerits for nor reporting them. The music issue here I was expecting but I was not ready for their ban off all headphones and the fact that you will get more demerits for listening to contemporary christian music than you would for walking around campus in inaproprate clothing. All and all I am not sure if I am coming back next year or not. I cant afford another collge and I like the academics but is it really worth my sanity and my personal value?
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