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Pensacola Christian College

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Date: Mar 28 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
You know, there are always pros and cons to almost everything, and PCC is no exception. The teachers are pretty good but out of touch with the real world. The buildings and grounds are nice I will admit. The biggest problem is that Dr. Horton's philosophy of how to run things is worse than Fidel Castro's is. If you don't agree with the smallest thing, you are branded a heretic, and the suck-ups are all over you for it. After I graduated, I had to literally readjust to the real world. Once I left PCC, it was so refreshing to have people trust me, care abotu me, not ignore me when my beliefs were SLIGHTLY different than theirs. What we as students were subject to may very well fit the description of borderline brain washing. That is best way I can describe it. Since I have graduated, I am denied access to all alumni services because I wrote a letter to the administration with a few legitimate suggestions. The adminsitration called my employer to try to ruin my chances there. They even told my pastor to be careful of me since I may be a horrible influence on his church. All this because I didn't agree that the King James Version was the only version of the Bible ok to use. Sadly I cannot recommend this school to any one. Instead I would warn you to be very careful. If you do go, you will either come out a clone, or be hurt very much in the process.
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