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Pensacola Christian College

Alumni Survey
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Date: Nov 12 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I loved my years at PCC. The Lord used those years to draw me closer to him and prepare for service. PCC helped me to develop discipline in my life and expect excellence in all that I do. The rules were mostly organizational, and made sense to me. Everywhere you look on campus you see excellence and that is instilled in all of the students (meticulous yardwork, quality programs). I only wish more students had a desire to serve the Lord on campus, what is reflected many times at PCC is a student body that is wordly and rebellious. For the most part the student body wants to learn more about serving the Lord and following his will, but the few detractors make it difficult for the average student to see the spiritual heartbeat of many of the students. If you are planning to attend PCC purpose now to: 1. Follow to the best of your ability every guideline you agreed to follow (it will make you more disciplined and will help your focus.) 2. Make friends with those students that go on Christian service and have a positive outlook towards authority and thier college experience. Don't make friends with those that allow you to complain and be lazy, purpose to make friends that you know will encourage you to draw closer to Christ. 3. Pray and read your Bible every day 4. Make goals concerning your college career 5. Don't confuse your lack of demerits with spirituality (less than a third get more than 15 demeritys)... only through the leading of the Holy Spirit make personal standards and assess yourself.
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