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Pensacola Christian College

Educational QualityF Faculty AccessibilityF
Useful SchoolworkC- Excess CompetitionF
Academic SuccessD Creativity/ InnovationF
Individual ValueD+ University Resource UseD
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA+ FriendlinessB
Campus MaintenanceA+ Social LifeB
Surrounding CityF Extra CurricularsA+
Describes the student body as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
, ' color='class=grade' >


Educational Quality

Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty
She cares more about Faculty Accessibility than the average student.
Date: May 10 2016
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
This school would NOT be recommended to anyone. You are made to believe it is a great campus with great teachers who care about their students. Just not true. They care only about the alumni's children and are willing to help them so they continue to get money from them. This school has so many rules and you are not told many of the rules until you show up on campus. Then it is a nightmare trying to do everything right to not get kicked out or sent to student court even for things that were not you but that you got blamed for. The school has every rule from the military, from the criminal justice system and from extremely stringent conservative Biblical rules. There is no way to not get in trouble. The tuition is very reasonable but the way they milk the student is failing you in classes or not accepting you to programs such as engineering or nursing etc. then convincing you to come back for another year and make better grades and that you should get into the program. This is not reality. After you try again, this time with very good grades, you are still not accepted and no explanation is ever given. Be a better steward of what God blesses you with and find a school that still has Christian morals and rules and shapes their students but allows for growth and sensibility at the same time. Every day at this school is a fearful experience--either afraid of not making good enough grades, afraid of not getting accepted, or afraid you will break a rule that you didn't even know about. Don't waste a year or two here. Go elsewhere first!!! AND you are not allowed to count any of your tuition off on your tax return because they do not accept federal funds so no deductions is allowed and they send NO 1099's for tuition!!! BEWARE!!!! Leaving campus is an act of congress just to go shopping etc. leaving for the weekend is unheard of unless it is with your parents. Boyfriends or girlfriends are not allowed to come pick you up and go off campus for anything. It seems that there is a GPS tracking chip in the student ID card that tracks your every move off campus or on campus. This is very scary and you can get in big trouble if they don't like a store or restaurant you go to or where you go on Christmas break. There is no Spring Break but Bible Conference instead that is mandatory for all students. So you can't go home or off somewhere for Spring Break.
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