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Pensacola Christian College

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Super Brilliant

Date: Apr 09 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I do not work in the marketing department at PCC. This is a legitimate post. It's sad how people can spin just about anything. I am not a homeschool product that lived an overly sheltered life. I graduated valedictorian of my large high school and had the opportunity because of my high SAT and ACT scores to go pretty much anywhere I wanted to go including being accepted to MIT, Harvard, Stanford, and The Air Force Academy... and I'm thankful I chose PCC. For me, I enjoyed my experience at PCC. Yes, the rules seem somewhat ridiculous at times (I was written up for leaving my blinds open too late), but it's a structured place that needs guidelines to operate. These guidelines may seem trivial and mundane, but most of them are necessary. And yes, if you actually did read the handbook before signing the pledge that you said you did, you know the rules (they don't make them up as they go along)! As far as preparation, the school helped me tremendously to succeed in my area of study. The teachers I had were excellent and truly cared about me as a person, not just a number. I could work one-on-one with teachers if I needed to. The campus is safe and beautiful. Everything is done to the glory of God. Despite the negative posts about Dr. Horton, I know he is a godly man that loves the Lord and wants what is best for the college. Over all, my experience was great, and I am thankful for PCC. If you are considering PCC, pray about it and make sure it's God's will for your life. That's the same advice I would give to any HS student considering any college.
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