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Pensacola Christian College

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Jun 24 2005
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
PCC was a good and a bad experience. First of all, PCC helped me make lifelong friends and through, I met my (future) husband. PCC has taught me the meaning of friendships, the value of growing closer to God and learning to respect authority. Now, on the flipside, PCC was strict. It had unnecessary rules--more lenient for males than for females--and unless you're 23 and without a degree, I wouldn't recommend it as an experience to "grow up." This school truly accomodates students who grew up in sheltered Christian homes and have had protection crossing the street all their lives. As a female (I can only speak for women), you are not allowed to wear pants, you must wear pantyhose at all times except for Saturdays unless you're going off campus and all Church and chapel attendance is mandatory and REQUIRED unless you're deathly ill. I would also not recommend this school to anyone suffering from mental illness. They will ask that you leave or they will MAKE you leave.(And yes, it is a no-expense paid trip back home.) Pray, be faithful, listen to the Holy Spirit and seek out God's Will.
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