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Pensacola Christian College

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Mar 26 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I enjoyed Pensacola not only for it being a great place to learn how to teach, but a fun place to live. It helped me be away from my parents in an protective environment. This helped me decide what I believed and how I felt about decisions. I wish that I had worked harder as a Sophomore. The courses are challenging, but I was definitely prepared for my first year of teaching. I recommend that if you are looking for a college to attend, don't just consider it's location or how beautiful it is. PCC is a beautiful campus. Consider where God wants you to be. He knows what is best for you. If it is PCC then stick it out, He has a purpose! I am so glad that I attended Pensacola!! If you are looking into becoming a teacher I highly recommend it!
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