StudentsReview :: Texas Tech University - Collaboration/Competitive Ratings
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Texas Tech University

Breakdown of “Collaboration/Competitive” at TTU

By Gender
By Major
Animal StudiesF
Architecture & Urban Planning DepartmentA
Business - Management and AdministrationB
Civil EngineeringB+
Computer ScienceF
Electrical EngineeringB+
Engineering DepartmentB-
Geography and GeosciencesB+
History/Histories (art history/etc.)C
Mechanical EngineeringA-
Physical Therapy/Exercise ScienceC
Political ScienceC+
PreLaw and LegalA-
PreMed and MedicalA-

Against similar schools

Collaboration/Competitive compared with similar schools in class.

Texas Tech University
Average of All Schools
Average of schools in class

University of North Texas
Texas A & M University - College Station
Harvard University
Texas State University
University of Southern California
Stanford University
New York University


I love Texas Tech. I transfered from Texas A&M because I felt overwhelmed by the size of the school. Strangely enough Tech is huge too, with 30k+ stud...Read full comment
Texas Tech provided a wonderful experience for me. The students and faculty were outstanding. Lubbock is a nice city also. People are friendly and ha...Read full comment
This is my 4th year at Texas Tech and I have loved everything about my experience! First off the campus beauty is unmatched, everyone will agree that ...Read full comment
I am a 3rd year Landscape Architecture Student in the class of 2012 (this web site only goes to 2011, and its a 5 year major). The L.A. department sta...Read full comment
I have adored my 5 years at Texas Tech. I have alwas felt safe in Lubbock. Classes were challenging and forced you to think and get involved in the co...Read full comment
First of all, I want to start off by saying that I am a parent of a Texas Tech Student. The school is surrounded by a ghetto neighborhood with half w...Read full comment
Texas Tech has a plethora of beautiful women and most of them are pretty cool. Football games are awesome and the student section at the Jones probabl...Read full comment
I've spent two years at Texas Tech after transferring here and I must say it has been quite an experience. First, the University like most loves th...Read full comment
I did move in from New York to attend Texas Tech in Lubbock. I will be graduating in December 2015. I have had mostly bad experiences while here. It h...Read full comment
Texas Tech provided a wonderful experience for me. The students and faculty were outstanding. Lubbock is a nice city also. People are friendly and ha...Read full comment
If you are a prospective student who has been denied at UT (or got accepted into the CAP program) and want to come here. Do yourself a big favor. Do N...Read full comment
I came here expecting to be surrounded by hicks and dummies that couldn't get into UT or A&M, boy was I wrong. Not that there aren't a handful of thos...Read full comment
I am a senior mechanical engineering major form San Antonio. I have loved my experience here at Texas Tech. The campus is incredible beautiful. Lub...Read full comment
Lubbock is one of the worst cities in the United States. Although it has about 200,000 people, unfortunately, it still fosters the attitude of a very...Read full comment
I'll be honest, I always wanted to goto UT, but when I visited Tech, I never looked back, I also got into A&M, SMU, OU and a few other schools. Since...Read full comment
Texas Tech provided a wonderful experience for me. The students and faculty were outstanding. Lubbock is a nice city also. People are friendly and ha...Read full comment
The common theme at Texas Tech is "... What do you want me to do about it?". I have had way too many problems at this institution that I could not pro...Read full comment
Texas Tech is one of the rare instances where location, a little bit of history, and large a population to draw upon create the perfect party universi...Read full comment
TTU is amazing, I cam from out of state because of the excellent undergraduate anthropology/archaeology program. It is first rate and unlike other reg...Read full comment
Landscape Architecture Student: Over all, Texas Tech is a good school. My only real complaint is that the math department relies too much on foreign ...Read full comment
Tech has some great programs, including Agriculture, Engineering, Interior Design, and Architecture. I would be extremely cautious about majoring in ...Read full comment
I absolutely hated everything about attending TTU. I had one good teacher in 4 years, horrible staff in administration as well. At every turn, the sch...Read full comment
Attending Texas Tech University for my undergraduate career has been the best decision I have ever made. Texas Tech is by far the up and coming unive...Read full comment
I came to Texas Tech after deciding to not go out of state to Oklahoma. I had also gotten into a few other schools (Texas State, SMU, A&M, Kansas Stat...Read full comment
Transferred from University of Texas Austin to TTU, best decision I could have made. While Austin is an amazing fun city, it is hard to concentrate on...Read full comment
Although to the school I am just a student, in my major I get a lot of attention and it is easy to get help and guidance. The hardest part of Tech to ...Read full comment
Tech is a great place to attend college. The town is a college town and being from the 4th largest city in the country(Houston), it was great to have...Read full comment
I transferred to Texas Tech from Baylor University one and a half years ago. At first, I was uncertain as to whether I would enjoy Tech, especially c...Read full comment
First of all...there are a lot of stereotypical ideas regarding Tech. "The students aren't as bright as the other big schools, Lubbock is in the middl...Read full comment
Texas Tech is a great school. I hope to see Tech develop in its areas of weakness like study space, computer access, English speaking profs., and mana...Read full comment
Texas Tech was the best choice for me. While Lubbock can take some getting used to, so can Dallas, or Houston, or any other city/town. The education i...Read full comment
I owe much of who I am to TTU, studying psychology as an undergrad is normally something you do when you are undecided, however I had a goal of going ...Read full comment
3 years ago, when I was looking for a college, I either wanted to go to UT, or to get the **# out of Austin and get some perspective. I didn't quite m...Read full comment
Texas Tech University is a pretty sweet place to go to school. The campus is huge beyond belief but it's pretty easy to navigate once you get used to ...Read full comment
Very good school just in the most boring piece of dirt town in Texas. Lubbock is so stupid they even made it a dry city so you have drive 15 miles to ...Read full comment
Texas Tech University
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