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Texas Tech University

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Aug 22 2003
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Texas Tech was the best choice for me. While Lubbock can take some getting used to, so can Dallas, or Houston, or any other city/town. The education itself, I thought, was sufficient. Some classes were a breeze, some were challenging. But I can guarantee you that's the case everywhere. If people say otherwise, they were either not real bright and EVERYTHING was a challenge, or they are lying. The life skills I learned while at Tech are not replaceable. The people and businesses that live and operate around the campus welcome students with wide open arms and really try to integrate the students into the community. Tech is a solid place to get your degree. It's not Harvard, but neither are tu or A&M. If you want to party, there is that. If you want to be active in Church activities, there is that as well...and everything in between. But if you expect the town to entertain you, you won't enjoy Lubbock. The residents feel you are a part of their community, but they don't have any obligation to make sure you have fun. That's up to you.
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