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Texas Tech University

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Jun 10 2002
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Tech is a great place to attend college. The town is a college town and being from the 4th largest city in the country(Houston), it was great to have a town of 200,000 people(Lubbock) support this great university. It sits out in west Texas which is great because unlike other schools, people stay in town for the weekends and don't go home. Other students at schools, which are located in Texas near big cities, go home or to those bigger cities for their entertainment. You get all your entertainment in Lubbock. If you are greek, it makes it even better. You don't have to be greek to have a good time though. The person who is representing the history department is a moron. The girls at Tech are the prettiest I have ever seen. I challenge you to take a look for yourself. Good luck in your decision making process. If you choose Tech, you will not be disappointed. GO TECH!!!
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