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Texas Tech University

Educational QualityB- Faculty AccessibilityB
Useful SchoolworkF Excess CompetitionB
Academic SuccessC Creativity/ InnovationB-
Individual ValueB- University Resource UseA
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA+ FriendlinessB
Campus MaintenanceA- Social LifeF
Surrounding CityF Extra CurricularsB
Describes the student body as:
, , ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
, ' color='class=grade' >


Useful Schoolwork

Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty
He cares more about Social Life than the average student.
Date: Oct 09 2013
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
3 years ago, when I was looking for a college, I either wanted to go to UT, or to get the **# out of Austin and get some perspective. I didn't quite make the cut to get into UT, but I would've gone had I chosen to simply go to community college for a semester or two. Still, I felt I had an opportunity to see life outside of my hometown on my own two feet for the first time, so I felt at the time that Tech was the next best choice. I'll be honest with you, my first two years at this University were great! I had the ultimate social life because I went Greek, and I joined several organizations and worked at a job I liked. School went well, and even to this day I have nothing bad to say about the faculty. The faculty is superb and I always feel like I'm being pushed to succeed. Its hard to say anything bad about the education aspect. The school suffers from the same issues other larger public Universities face. And how do I pass up Red Raider football? Watching Tech play in person along side your friends is one of the most exhilarating experiences I've had in any school. What went wrong? Well, eventually, I outgrew the "fratty" lifestyle and wanted to focus more on my major, and other things I've always wanted to do. The picture really falls apart here and in a very big way. If you don't choose to go to the bars or party at someone's house, you're really not gonna have many friends out here. In fact, people start to act condescending to you if you can't add to the conversation about how @#*ed up all of your buddies got the night before. As a senior hoping to graduate soon, I just can't party the way I used to, and to be frank, I would choose very different ways to use my time even if I could. I realize now that had I gone to UT or even Texas State: yeah I still would have been feeling this way towards the end of my degree, and I would probably be looking to find more friends; to whom I don't feel the pressure to adhere to a certain lifestyle. However, I would be in what is arguably one of the best and most diverse cities in Texas! In a city such as Austin, you are never short of finding the right friends or the right connections to succeed. I should also add, I have several friends who go to UT. Yes, some of them are asshole frat stars, or materialistic sorority girls just like the people I've seen at Texas Tech. However, (due to a more selective acceptance process) there are a lot more people I'd consider intelligent and well rounded. From the people I have met through friends who go there, I've seen that translate into people with more sincere character and a drive. In conclusion, if you REALLY want to go Greek, and you love sports, and academics matter, I'd say Texas Tech would be the place for you. Once again, I have nothing bad to say about the program I'm in or the faculty. However, I warn everyone reading this; that as cool as going Greek is, or even as cool as drinking every single weekend to get girls is, THATS ALL THERE IS TO DO! In fact, doing that feels like the only true judge of character to have friends. I found that as soon as I didn't like that lifestyle, I had nowhere to go, and no real friends to talk to. Everything after that felt very superficial.
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