StudentsReview :: Pensacola Christian College - Perceived Campus Safety Ratings
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Pensacola Christian College

Breakdown of “Perceived Campus Safety” at PCC

By Gender
By Major
Aerospace EngineeringA+
Animal StudiesA-
Art & Design DepartmentA-
Business - Management and AdministrationA-
Computer EngineeringB-
Computer ScienceA-
Design Arts - Industrial Design/Graphic Design/etcA
Electrical EngineeringF
Engineering DepartmentB-
Fine Arts - Painting/Sculpture/Photography/etcA
History/Histories (art history/etc.)A-
Mechanical EngineeringA-
Music - Composition/TheoryA
Music - PerformanceA
Music EducationA
Perfomance ArtsA
Physical Therapy/Exercise ScienceB+
Political ScienceA+
PreLaw and LegalA-
PreMed and MedicalA-
Social WorkA-

Against similar schools

Perceived Campus Safety compared with similar schools in class.

Pensacola Christian College
Average of All Schools
Average of schools in class

New York University
Bob Jones University
Harvard University
South Cheshire College
University of California - Berkeley
Stanford University
University of Southern California

Perceived Campus Safety

... I miss college, not just because of the friends I made or the fun I had, but I miss the safe and friendly atmosphere ...Read full comment
... PCC is a great place for students becasue of the safety of the campus and the location of it ...Read full comment
... I think that they are, in the administrations' opinion, for students' safety and betterment ...Read full comment
... I also appreciate how safe I felt ...Read full comment
... I feel safe and protected on campus, but not too much ...Read full comment
... It was also nice to know that you were safe ...Read full comment
... My parents felt that it was safe and had no doubt that I would be taken care of ...Read full comment
... While there are rules, we understand that they are in place to provide a safe, calm environment for the student body ...Read full comment
... The low tuition, beautiful facilities, friendly campus and overall safe atmosphere in a southern US climate should only come SECONDARY to the ca...Read full comment
... A safe campus whose focus was on education rather than a socail outlet ...Read full comment
... ", and phyically safe envirnoment or hate all those restrictions (and self-righteousness) ...Read full comment
... One was in the Secret Service for over 20 years and on 5 Details, one was a LTC in the Military Police, one was te top investigator for the Michi...Read full comment
... My parents felt that it was safe and had no doubt that I would be taken care of ...Read full comment
... If you are interested in serving the Lord in a safe environment, PCC is a wonderful opportunity ...Read full comment
... I always felt safe and met many lifelong friends ...Read full comment
... I have read alot of these reviews and I think its safe to assume that the leadership at this school sucks, but I did a little research on the lead...Read full comment
... PCC is a very safe campus where you can get to know people of the opposite sex without physical things getting in the way or clouding any issues...Read full comment
... The rules are quite strict, but that gave me a sense of safety ...Read full comment
... If you are looking for a safe, user-friendly school with a small price tag, please look into PCC -- it will change your life ...Read full comment
... Raper, Mr ...Read full comment
... Not only in top notch quality education, but also in making sure the students are cared for, have oppotrunities to enjoy a social rich student l...Read full comment
... As a single female, while there, I felt safe at all times ...Read full comment
... Anyone who has a sincere desire to get away from the overwhelming temptations of most teen environments post highschool and be a part of a thriv...Read full comment
... ) PCC provides a very safe environment ...Read full comment
... well I found my great friends which I miss terribly They've proved to be people I will be friends with forever there are quite a few narks on the...Read full comment
... One of the most difficult aspects to deal with is the safety net of protection in which children are able to stretch their wings without getti...Read full comment
... It is a great opportunity to study what you desire in a safe, Christian environment ...Read full comment
... On the other hand, the school is very friendly and safe ...Read full comment
... PCC is a friendly campus where you can go and feel safe and make lots of friends ...Read full comment
... I know that PCC is a safe environment ...Read full comment
... If you want an up-to-date, top-quality, safe, no regret education, PCC may be for you ...Read full comment
... I know that there are many who are forced by their parents to attend PCC because of the low costs or their safety precautions concerning the...Read full comment
... As some ppl have already said life is filled with rules, and most of PCCs rules are designed for the safety of the student body however a large n...Read full comment
... It is truly a "safe" place for parents to put their kids in order to keep them totally protected from EVERYTHING ...Read full comment
... However, they do claim to be a safe place for a Christian young person to focus on their education and avoid the many temptations and pitfalls t...Read full comment
... The school is a great safe place for meeting friends that will last for a lifetime ...Read full comment
... At this school, you will be safe and not have to deal with people who came to school just to party ...Read full comment
... That's right, if you don't turn in rule-breakers you could be kicked out for your "crime" of silence ...Read full comment
... As a parent, I would want to know my child was safe and trained in all ways of life, whether social, academic, professionally, and especially sp...Read full comment
... Great campus, strict rules, good safe learning environment ...Read full comment
... And the "no-touch" rule between the sexes made me feel safe, since in junior and high school I had been constantly harrassed by guys ...Read full comment
... I do not feel the campus is safe, either ...Read full comment
... Chris Raper (Elementary Greek, OT Survey, Hebrew History, and looking forward to his Minor Prophets) Mr ...Read full comment
... If you are looking for a solid academic experience in a Spiritually safe environment, you should consider PCC ...Read full comment
... I really believe that this shows a sincere concern for female students' safety, but it is inconvenient and works something of a financial hardsh...Read full comment
... They do have "rules" to deal with, but I enjoyed the safe environment in an unsafe world ...Read full comment
... My parents and I were happy for a college who cared about my safety ...Read full comment
... We are safe there, even though it does come with a price ...Read full comment
... I always felt safe within their wisely chosen rules ...Read full comment
... If you are the studious, serious type who is use to a close knit family environment, you will be comfortable in dorm life, as it provides a safe ...Read full comment
... I'd say go to PCC if you believe that's what God wants; it's a beautiful, safe place to focus on God and on your studying ...Read full comment
... It is very safe on campus and many exciting changes are happening as well ...Read full comment
... Dumb rules in general(sometimes pet peeves turn into ordeals, mostly through a combination of goofy rule+energetic floor-leader) The Good: Env...Read full comment
... It is a safe place for young people ...Read full comment
... My best advice, for you own sake and future psychological safety, don't believe their lies ...Read full comment
... Clean, safe, and a good education (despite not being accredited) ...Read full comment
... As some ppl have already said life is filled with rules, and most of PCCs rules are designed for the safety of the student body however a large n...Read full comment
... My best advice, for you own sake and future psychological safety, don't believe their lies ...Read full comment
... In a school that expels almost 500 students a year, your academic future is unsafe ...Read full comment
... I had a teacher who was secret service agent for over 20 years, a michigan state police officer in the sex crime unit for 20 years and the list g...Read full comment
... Excellent Education, controlled safe environment, positive preparation for the future with a comphrehensive Christian worldview ...Read full comment
... PCC, like all institutions, has its faults, but in almost all situations, it is better to safe, than sorry ...Read full comment
... If you are interested in serving the Lord in a safe environment, PCC is a wonderful opportunity ...Read full comment
... " The crime ...Read full comment
... PCC's rules about conduct between the sexes are great for protecting girls from things like date rape; and for protecting both genders from vene...Read full comment
... I know that PCC is a safe environment ...Read full comment
... I know that she will be safe there, and will receive a good Christian education ...Read full comment
... Safety (C): sure you're safe from the "outside world" but you're definitely not safe from the inside one ...Read full comment
... The only grade lower than "A" I gave above is for how safe you feel on campus ...Read full comment
... I was eventually raped by this person but I could not go to the deans or anyone becuase I would have been kicked out ...Read full comment
... well I found my great friends which I miss terribly They've proved to be people I will be friends with forever there are quite a few narks on the...Read full comment
... The campus is safe and beautiful ...Read full comment
... Unless they have security cameras hidden in hallways (which is not unlikely) not being able to lock the door to your room is a safety breach ...Read full comment
... The campus was the first place I ever really felt safe, and the students acted as family ...Read full comment
... Recognize that the rules are strict, but are there to provide a safe environment for all people ...Read full comment
... It was nice to be able to walk from one end of the campus to the other and feel safe ...Read full comment
... I found that it was not safe to ask questions about policies and procedures ...Read full comment
... Though we have had perils in the waters, and perils in the wilderness, perils from sickness, and perils from the heathen, still the LORD has deli...Read full comment
... Before I go further, PCC is a truly a great place in the sense that it safe, clean, comfortable, very well-maintained, and the members of the st...Read full comment
... It's a very safe place and I felt very cultured and learned in many different areas when I graduated ...Read full comment
... On the other hand, if you are indeed a Baptist, and you want Christian friends,teachers and education, safety, and you do not like "worldy" thin...Read full comment
... For example, the next time someone mentions accreditation or no hand-holding, ask them first about campus crime or student pregnancy rates ...Read full comment
... Personally, I have enjoyed college life at PCC, and in talking with friends at other colleges, I have found that in the areas of safety, acedemic...Read full comment
... If you're looking for a relatively safe college that will hold you too a strict standard and practically threaten to drown you in spirituality th...Read full comment
... I follow the important ones--rules that keep me safe, but I see nothing wrong with stretching the limits if I would be allowed to do whatever at...Read full comment
... PCC has many good qualities: campus safety, excellent Biblical teaching/preaching, and professionalism about everything thing they do ...Read full comment
... Safety: Yes, the campus is safe, but you don't have locks on your room doors ...Read full comment
... At this school, you will be safe and not have to deal with people who came to school just to party ...Read full comment
... Affordable, Safe, and Spiritually Minded Campus ...Read full comment
... The rules are in place to provide a calm, safe environment where one has the opportunity to learn without the distractions found on most campuse...Read full comment
... to keep us safe and make us responsible people ...Read full comment
... I feel safe and protected on campus, but not too much ...Read full comment
... I felt safe there and I knew I was going to get the best education ...Read full comment
... However, they do claim to be a safe place for a Christian young person to focus on their education and avoid the many temptations and pitfalls t...Read full comment
... I'm not talking about crimes, i'm talking about litle stuff that my grandmother would laugh if i did ...Read full comment
... Students who are looking for a conservative Christian college where they can learn and have fun in a safe environment and where they can grow in ...Read full comment
... The low tuition, beautiful facilities, friendly campus and overall safe atmosphere in a southern US climate should only come SECONDARY to the ca...Read full comment
... If you are in high school and looking at where you can possibly serve the Lord, don't always default to the choices your church thinks are the s...Read full comment
... I also felt very safe on campus ...Read full comment
... Safety: Ok, this one is tricky ...Read full comment
... Socially, the only ones who have problems are the ones who whine about the rules and turn into undesirable sour grapes ...Read full comment
... Now I feel secure in the knowledge that the students I refer to PCC are safe ...Read full comment
... The campus is clean and well taken care of and is very safe ...Read full comment
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