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Pensacola Christian College

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Sep 04 2004
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
PCC was and is in many ways a very good school. In my major the teachers, with one notable exception, performed at the highest levels of the departments and professions. One was in the Secret Service for over 20 years and on 5 Details, one was a LTC in the Military Police, one was te top investigator for the Michigan State Police Sex Crimes Unit, one was had been an Assistant DA and I regartd him as possibly one of the smartest people I knew there, one was involved for his professional career in parole and probation, while I find that boring he was very good at it. These men provided invaluable assistance and insight into the Law Enforcement profession. The only problem I have with the faculty is that they seem to no longer be as good as when I was first there, of course that could just be nostalgia. Academically, I was only pressured in 2 classes, Latin, Dynamics of Human Behavior (Mr. Goehring is quite simply a brilliant man) although Rules of Evidence came close. I don't know if that is because I was smart or the material was too easy. I respected and admired my instructors. The standard complaints at PCC revolve around the rules, however if you have read the material they send you before going there, you know what the rules will be. Moreover, the deans office is not out to get you. Speaking, well, writing, from a very informed point of view, they simply don't have the time or resources. I worked as a floorleader, and I was not hated thank you very much, and I can assure anyone that the deans office has only the students best interests at heart. Are some of the rules difficlt to handle, certainly, however that is true no matter where you go. I have said that the school did not prepare me for the workworls, that is true and yet in many ways it did. My academic life did not so much but the two jobs I held during college were very helpful. The preaching at this school is almost always superb although there are some sermons that are wrong and indeed boring. PCC is not for everyone, however if you have any questions I will be glad to answer as best I can. And yes to all those trying to guess who this is, if you haven't figured it out I am very surprised.
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