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Pensacola Christian College

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

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Quite Bright

Date: Apr 26 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Excellent nursing program with clinical opportunities that are usually seen only at the graduate level. After graduation, there were multiple job offers based solely on the fact that I had successfully completed the PCC nursing program. Due to the extensive clinical hours and in-depth preceptorship program at PCC, I was able to move directly into critical care without the year of medical-surgical floor nursing required by most trauma centers. Now that I'm in a leadership role, I can better appreciate the attention to detail offered at PCC. I've only seen this level of training in the advanced nursing program at the University of Florida. To be able to receive this training at the undergraduate level is an unbelievable opportunity. PCC is small enough that students don't get lost in the crowds. The rules and restrictions are extensive. Those four years will not be the college "good times" many would expect. Prospective students need to evaluate their own personal and career goals before deciding to attend PCC. In light of recent events at Virginia Tech, I have to admit to a new appreciation of the security system at PCC. As a 17-21 year old undergraduate, I viewed the system as "Big Brother". Now I feel secure in the knowledge that the students I refer to PCC are safe.
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