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Pensacola Christian College

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Date: Jan 02 2003
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I would not recommend PCC to anyone who is not used to being in such an overprotective, ultra-fundamentalist environment. Those who are used to this type of atmosphere will get on splendidly there. It is truly a "safe" place for parents to put their kids in order to keep them totally protected from EVERYTHING!! If, however, you desire to learn in whatever field of study you are interested in and do so in a Christian environment but don't expect or want to be treated like you are a kindergartener, DO NOT GO TO PCC!!! As someone who graduated from there and experience a year of employment there in the demerit office, I can tell you that it is NOT a good place to be. I did make excellent life-long friends there and did meet my husband there, but aside from that had I known back in 1994 as an incoming freshman what I know now, I would not have gone to PCC. God would have worked out my husband and I meeting some other way. I would have looked into other Christian schools like Tennessee Temple, Liberty, Clearwater Christian or Cedarville. There are different places for different kinds of people. If you are the type to be led around and told how and what to think, then PCC is for you; but if you want to learn how to think for yourself and make decisions based on what God says instead of what other HUMANS tell you to think, DON"T GO TO PCC!! They want your mind, to make you into a mindless drone of theirs. We are to be Christ-like, not Horton-like, much to their dismay. May God bless you as you pray and seek where you should go.
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