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New York University

Breakdown of “Collaboration/Competitive” at NYU

By Gender
By Major
Art & Design DepartmentB-
Business - Management and AdministrationB-
Chemical EngineeringA+
Computer EngineeringA+
Computer ScienceB
Electrical EngineeringA-
Fine Arts - Painting/Sculpture/Photography/etcB-
History/Histories (art history/etc.)B-
Language - French/Spanish/etc.C+
Mechanical EngineeringB-
Music - PerformanceB
Music EducationA
Natural ResourcesB+
Neuroscience/Cognitive ScienceC
Perfomance ArtsA-
Political ScienceB+
PreLaw and LegalA+
PreMed and MedicalC+
Social WorkB
Urban PlanningA+

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First off, I go to the engineering school. Currently it goes by the name of Tandon, but given how ridiculous the school is, it will probably change it...Read full comment
The food studies and food management masters program at NYU is a program without serious committment of resources on the part of the university. As a ...Read full comment
Academically, NYU is great, but the competitiveness depends on your major and your school. For example, pre-med and Stern business students are reall...Read full comment
I want to start out by saying that I LOVE NYU. I would never want to be at any other school. I think people have to really consider what they believe ...Read full comment
NYU is a good school. Some people say it is "over-rated"; some insist it is "under-rated". I think we can all agree that it is a good school - prest...Read full comment
NYU is awesome. acadmeics, social life, living in the city--it all rocks. there is no place in the world like new york city and its amazing to live he...Read full comment
I am a senior in a NYC high school. I have known about NYU even before I came to this country 6 years ago. This means...NYU is popular and is a Brand ...Read full comment
Positives about Gallatin, the school I belong to: The freedom of individualization is WONDERFUL. Many students from other NYU schools actually transf...Read full comment
... There is also a bit of competition among MBA students ...Read full comment
Not to be redundant, but along with what basically everyone else has said, if the sound of a traditional college repulses you NYU is a perfect option....Read full comment
This is a school for self starters. If you can't take responsibility for yourself, your classes, your credits, your mental health...DON'T COME HERE. N...Read full comment
comment below is just silly NYU IS GREAT. Fabulous institution. GREAT SCHOOL. GREAT CITY.Read full comment
There's no better place to go for your undergrad career if you want to live in a vibrant and cultured city and, to be blunt, grow up. Students who wan...Read full comment
NYU, like New York City, isn't for everyone, so don't choose a school based solely on a ranking, only to complain about what you don't like about it (...Read full comment
I had always dreamed of going to NYU and now, I LOVE it. I love he city life, challenging courses, clubs, and everything. In addition, it can open so ...Read full comment
After reading the reviews, I feel like the other students who commented did not research their choice in schools well. First, it seems a given to me ...Read full comment
This school is very well suited to city types. The city is a very tough place to live and the university doesn't make it any easier with its ridiculo...Read full comment
Its funny to hear all these little kids complain about NYU, I graduated in 2000 from CAS, came in as a transfer student, and it was the single best th...Read full comment
I absolutely loved NYU....but it's not for everyone. You must LOVE living in NYC to be happy here. You can't think of going here as a typical college ...Read full comment
In NYU-speak, Beauty equals unreality; Compassion and Taking a Personal Interest equal delusion; Seeking the Heart of the Matter equals not living in ...Read full comment
Be aware that this is a city school - NYC is the social/night life, not frat parties or house parties or school sporting events. However, you can make...Read full comment
College was crazy, I partyed, I worked and I barely slept. Going to school in the Big City is not an easy thing, but if you get through it you come ou...Read full comment
Having come from a very plain vanilla background, I found NYU to be a breath of fresh air. The diversity of backgrounds and interests result in a very...Read full comment
Attending NYU is the absolute best college experience in the entier world--if you can handle it. It's not for everyone. You have to be feircly indepen...Read full comment
NYU is the PERFECT experience for someone mature enouph to handle it. This is NYC and no one will be there to hold your hand, both academically and so...Read full comment
I am a senior in a NYC high school. I have known about NYU even before I came to this country 6 years ago. This means...NYU is popular and is a Brand ...Read full comment
Fist and Foremost the Majority of the negative comments on here are from people who got REJECTED from nyu and decided to take their anger out on here....Read full comment
I have a number of comments. 1) NYU is too large for one to judge, in general, the student body as a collective. 2) NYU's location is amazing, and h...Read full comment
NYU is what you make of it. You could party every night or you could throw yourself into your studies. You could take easy classes or you could challe...Read full comment
Where to begin...It's 4 in the morning and like any other college student, I just needed a break from studying. I'm not like most kids here. They are ...Read full comment
College formed my professional life, attitudes, opinions, and most especially, my thirst to continue to learn. Being a student in NYC was a dream come...Read full comment
NYU can be a great place to go to college if you let it be by putting forth the effort. The CAS/Courant math department is truly a behemoth amongst m...Read full comment
NYU is truly a school that takes advantage of New York City, for better or worse. I found myself missing the traditional "closed campus" of other scho...Read full comment
NYU, like New York City, isn't for everyone, so don't choose a school based solely on a ranking, only to complain about what you don't like about it (...Read full comment
People tend to think that an awesome city will make up for the lack of campus, but it doesn't. You'll miss not having a campus, no quad, no grass, no ...Read full comment
i'm currently a sophmore at NYU Stern. The first two years here are ok so far. It took a lil time getting use to college life and dorming, even thou...Read full comment
It's an awesome school. So much fun... I have made the best friends and we live in the BEST city. There cannot be any other school like it. Read full comment
What I'm about to say I have read on this and many other sites long before I got here, but I was stupid and did not listen. NYU was my dream school si...Read full comment
It's a great school to be in New York City, but don't expect a tight community or much school spirit. By the time you are a sophmore everyone does th...Read full comment
Great undergrad experience. NYU gives one an amazing academic environment, the atmosphere at this school builds character on a level far above any co...Read full comment
I can appreciate NYU for what it is--a large university in the center of the best neighborhood on earth. Greenwich Village simply CANNOT be beat, its ...Read full comment
This place is a shit hole... no individual value and the people here are so shallow... tends to be hard to make friends, especially for internationals...Read full comment
NYU allows you to live in New York City. Once you find your way around, you realize it's a pretty good deal. The business school kids are generally ...Read full comment
NYU is an absolutely amazing school. I study Pre-Law and I wouldn't choose to go anywhere else, even Harvard. the city life is great and the people ar...Read full comment
honestly, i was reluctant to come to nyu. I was afraid that I would miss out on the "typical" college experience and would be nostalgic for sports, qu...Read full comment
I got into NYU GSP and had no idea what it was. Apparently its the same thing as getting into NYU but you take all your core classes before you choose...Read full comment
NYU is an amazing place. Don't expect pretty trees, babbling brooks and squirrels (well, actually there a lot of really fat friendly squirrels in Was...Read full comment
NEW YORK UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF THE ARTS is in my subjective opinion as a union writer director producer who has had 30 million dollars approximately pu...Read full comment
I've pretty much got the same complaints as everyone else. Hard to make friends, absolutely horrendous core material (MAP is the devil, and if you go...Read full comment
My experience at NYU was a very positive one, in part because I knew what to expect from the university and the city, and because I was conscious of h...Read full comment
If I had to rate this school based on a scale of 1-10, I would give it a 6. There are many reasons as to why this is, but let me start off by saying t...Read full comment
Be sure you know what you're doing when you decide to come to this school. Make sure that you like the city; not just to visit, but to LIVE. And get h...Read full comment
If your parents make more then 6 figures per year, if you love rubbing your wealth in other peoples faces, if you are stuck up and snobby, love to go ...Read full comment
NYU was my top choice, mainly because of the location and because it offered an undergraduate journalism major, while Columbia didn't. NYU's journalis...Read full comment
... My biggest piece of advice is to get ready for serious competition ...Read full comment
Coming here=worst decision of my life. A lot of the positive reviews are completely wrong. I'm very well adjusted, extremely independent, sane, sociab...Read full comment
Everything that people say about the social life at NYU is true. People are anti-social, cliqueish, independant, and unfriendly. That being said, it...Read full comment
I love it here and never want to leave. Once you adjust to the city there is no other place in the world you'd rather be. Throughout the past 3 years ...Read full comment
NYU is great and fosters a sense of community despite being a very large, public, non-communal sector of the city. The workload is challenging, but no...Read full comment
Alot of people complain about NYU. I can't say that I am pro-NYU, at least not as far as the institution goes. There is a lot of red tape. If you don'...Read full comment
I grew up in NYC and attended NYU as if it was some local commuter school. It was about 20 minutes away from my house by foot. Yes, it seems almost ...Read full comment
NYU is not for everyone. I personally love nyu, i am an economics major at nyu and nyu helps prepare you for real life. That being said NYU is Real Li...Read full comment
Marcia Manzello- By all means NYU is an opportunity abound. Needless to say, NYU is a mixed bag, just like New York City…there's something for ...Read full comment
NYU is not worth the money, point blank. i have been the most unhappy here then i ever though possible. it is simply an extremely depressing environme...Read full comment
I am a recent transfer student into NYU (Beginning this fall) and I've had quite enough of the NYU complaints. New York University suffers from being ...Read full comment
Make sure that you realize what you're getting into: NYU doesn't have a real campus, it is so large as to be, at times, totally impersonal, and studen...Read full comment
To tell you the truth NYU was not my first choice but I longed to attend a school similar enough. If you prefer a city and a campus that has no real d...Read full comment
... That is perfectly fine, but it shouldn't be made a fault of the school's that they were not able to prosper amidst the competition ...Read full comment
I have mixed reviews about his place. Having come from a primarily suburban setting, NYU was NOT my first choice since there practically isn't a ...Read full comment
I used this site when I chose NYU, so I wanted to contribute back now that I have graduated. Be open and try your best not to have preconceived not...Read full comment
NYU is a great school if you like New York and want that lifestyle, not the college lifestyle. Students here are just members of the city that happen ...Read full comment
NYU can be the best place in the world, but also the worst. Don't expect to be coddled and have you hand held, but do expect the best in-college oppo...Read full comment
If you are looking for a traditional college experience, athletic contests, parties, a campus etc., think twice about coming to NYU. If on the other h...Read full comment
The opportunities that NYU affords its students are very impressive. This is due to the surrounding city (New York can't be matched) and amazing faci...Read full comment
My experience at NYU was not at all what I expected. Academically, it really depends on what school you are in. I'm in the General Studies Program, so...Read full comment
You have to know how to set your own pace in a city such as New York. There will always be a million things to do, and if you are the kind of person ...Read full comment
My experience at NYU was a very positive one, in part because I knew what to expect from the university and the city, and because I was conscious of h...Read full comment
NYU HAS BASICALLY NO CAMPUS I cannot stress this enough. The nature of this school is ENORMOUSLY different from most universities. Now this isn'...Read full comment
Going to school at NYU is like being in Old Europe with the way Greenwich Village is. The location gives one a small town feel but is in the middle o...Read full comment
Wow. This school is awesome. I have to say it was a tough decision to come here. I came from a small homogeneous town in CanadaIn high school I tilted...Read full comment
Originally, I was going to counter the opinions on here that the Liberal Studies Program is useless (when it most certainly is not) but over the last ...Read full comment
First of all, for those of you reading these reviews, keep in mind that most of the positive comments come from affluent white students whose pare...Read full comment
Last year when I read this site after getting accepted into NYU, I was freaked out by the comments some people made. Its very true that NYU is not a s...Read full comment
This school is so damn focussed on "progressive learning" they've forgotten what it means to teach. It fosters no atmosphere of college whatsoever an...Read full comment
The moment i steped on the NYU campus i knew that it was the perfect school for me. The city atmosphere is wonderful if you are looking to explore new...Read full comment
... This school gives you real world competition and those whom cannot handle it get weeded out early and quickly ...Read full comment
Like New York, NYU has one major thing going for it, an edge. It builds character. Education? If you persevere and are independent, you can get a go...Read full comment
Okay first of all--I am utterly stunned at the negative comments on this website and I encourage anyone and everyone to IGNORE THEM. Even take what I'...Read full comment
New York City is an amazing city to visit. Living here, however, is definitely not for everyone and takes a lot of getting used to. Also, the typical...Read full comment
I had always dreamed of going to NYU and now, I LOVE it. I love he city life, challenging courses, clubs, and everything. In addition, it can open so ...Read full comment
NYU Stern is a university with a great reputation as one of the best business schools in the country. However, I've talked to my friends studying bus...Read full comment
... There is a lot of competition at NYU, even in the friendship department ...Read full comment
Having transferred to NYU from a reputable state school, I think I have a unique perspective on NYU's caliber. In terms of the faculty's teaching qual...Read full comment
Everything that people say about the social life at NYU is true. People are anti-social, cliqueish, independant, and unfriendly. That being said, it...Read full comment
New York City is the best city on the planet. . . an indisputable fact. So what reason could someone possibly have to not love school in Manhattan, m...Read full comment
I came to NYU expecting much more out of such a reputably "great" institution; boy was I surprised...The academics are a complete joke, campus spirit ...Read full comment
There is nothing better in the world than to be young, have very little responsibility, and live in the middle of New York City. The school was wonder...Read full comment
You either love nyu or hate it--there is pretty much no middle ground. As a sophmore i can only say one thing: stay the hell away from this school. ny...Read full comment
NYU is certainly a very unique school for a certain type of person. In high school I was a great athlete, however I did not achieve extremely well aca...Read full comment
I had always dreamed of going to NYU and now, I LOVE it. I love he city life, challenging courses, clubs, and everything. In addition, it can open so ...Read full comment
My experience at NYU overall has been a positive one. That's not to say it wasn't easy. In fact, I have social anxiety disorder, so I'm not the type o...Read full comment
If you are ready to grow up early, to have the freedom to create whatever college experience you choose, to be a part of an incredible city that will ...Read full comment
NYU is a school that is not for everyone. If I were to describe NYU, I would say that it is not collge but rather living in the city and going to clas...Read full comment
NYU is not for the person looking for a typical college campus experience. It is going to college in NYC and living in Greenwich Village. It can be an...Read full comment
I'm just finishing up my freshman year at NYU and I have to say I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. The only thing that might stop me from attending ...Read full comment
NYU is one of the most prestigious institutions in the world. People give the name an immense amount of respect once they hear it. The amount of conne...Read full comment
... Wonderful learning experience; intensive studying and practical applications; we use many case study-based applications to further understanding o...Read full comment
I'm so disappointed by the majority of negative comments on this site. Its true, you have to be tough as nails to survive at this school and that is w...Read full comment
I absolutely hate it here. The atmosphere is incredibly depressing, the students are arrogant and sobby, the faculty is unhelpful and very self absorb...Read full comment
NYU is not for everyone, but it was the best decision I ever made. The school makes working and going to school plausible, and students tend to really...Read full comment
NYU was my first choice and I'm so glad thet I was accepted and I enrolled. The city is great to go to school in, but if you are easily distracted, i...Read full comment
NYU is a mixed bag, just like New York: there's something for everyone. If you want to start a club with one-legged lesbian nuns, you'll probably get ...Read full comment
NYU was a colossal waste of my time and money. I picked it because the director of scholarship programs told be my scholarship included a couple of t...Read full comment
NYU is not for everyone. Tons and tons of people want to go here but have no idea what it's going to be like. They just figure it'll be great because ...Read full comment
Transferring to NYU from a state school has been a dream come true. The professors are all innovators in their field, very bright, and they truly enjo...Read full comment
For such a large university it was surprisingly easy to navigate the admissions process and the university staff were particularly helpful. In large ...Read full comment
If you want to live in an environment that will make subsequent trips to the outer boros seem like a trip to rural kansas, then NYU (and Manhattan) is...Read full comment
I'm a 2nd year student in the Photography program at Tisch. First and foremost, Tisch in general is an amazing school. I've never been around so many ...Read full comment
Since my freshman year of high school my absolute DREAM was to attend NYU. After working so hard and doing everything I could to succeed in middle sch...Read full comment
This University has a lot to offer but it's up to _you_ to make the most of it. The size and bureaucracy is maddening at times but for the persistent ...Read full comment
New York City makes NYU worth attending. The University takes advantage of its location in what is offered to the students. Also they spend money lik...Read full comment
NYU is all about name... it's only famous and prestigious because of its location. It's in the heart of nyc... yup a big city where students can...Read full comment
NYU was a colossal waste of my time and money. I picked it because the director of scholarship programs told be my scholarship included a couple of t...Read full comment
I've been reading reviews on this website to really see if I belong at NYU...and yet I'm going to be a sophmore. My first year was pretty bad in terms...Read full comment
To tell you the truth NYU was not my first choice but I longed to attend a school similar enough. If you prefer a city and a campus that has no real d...Read full comment
I'm somewhat ambivalent about NYU. I'm not really sure what to make of it. On the one hand, I'm attending a top notch university and have AMAZING oppo...Read full comment
I am not pleased with NYU, in specific NYU Tandon. If for whatever reason you're considering it, maybe for the allure of the city, maybe for the NYU n...Read full comment
I'm so disappointed by the majority of negative comments on this site. Its true, you have to be tough as nails to survive at this school and that is w...Read full comment
NYU was a colossal waste of my time and money. I picked it because the director of scholarship programs told be my scholarship included a couple of t...Read full comment
... You might expect there to be a lot of competition among students but in my experience, everyone wants to help each other and the connections mad...Read full comment
I couldnt not condemm this school more. The social situation is absolutely horrendous. My first semester I was absolutely depressing many Friday and S...Read full comment
My major is Business and Political Economy at Stern; it is new this year. The class for this program is only about 30 people, and we are to spend 3 se...Read full comment
We have all said it and we'll say it again and again, if you want a campus don't come to NYU. the people who bitch and moan about NYU are the ones who...Read full comment
in response to the comment below: i went to high school in new york city and subsequently attended NYU. I have absolutely loved my first year at NYU. ...Read full comment
Yes, NYU is a big school, but don't believe those naysayers who say they can't find a community. All NYU freshman live in NYU dorms, so it's easy to m...Read full comment
People tend to think that an awesome city will make up for the lack of campus, but it doesn't. You'll miss not having a campus, no quad, no grass, no ...Read full comment
... There is also a bit of competition among MBA students ...Read full comment
If your parents make more then 6 figures per year, if you love rubbing your wealth in other peoples faces, if you are stuck up and snobby, love to go ...Read full comment
Considering I live in Queens and take the subway everyday to school, my money would have been better invested going somewhere else. NYU is absolutely...Read full comment
Bottom line: only the best survive at this school; its survival of the fittest. The negative comments are people who simply couldn't take it. You have...Read full comment
NYU is what you make of it; because it is a large school, no one is going to take the time to hand you the resources you need to achieve your goals. ...Read full comment
Lets just clear a few things up and add some points.. No specific order. - NYU is overrated and overpriced. It's just that simple. - The educati...Read full comment
... Unless you are a student that they feel will bring them 'prestige', such as by winning an academic competition or are a student that is demograp...Read full comment
NYU is a case study in architecture and design effecting social life or lack thereof... i.e., NOT HAVING A CAMPUS REALLY DOES MATTER... I knew a few k...Read full comment
I agree that the city gets old after 6 months, and the chance to make good friends is slim (see the previous posts). I actually dropped out after ...Read full comment
Ok, where should I even begin? First of all, if you're not into the whole liberal arts thing, then you shouldn't come here. This whole place is all ...Read full comment
I used this site when I chose NYU, so I wanted to contribute back now that I have graduated. Be open and try your best not to have preconceived not...Read full comment
I think some of these negative reviews are a little too much. Let me make it brief for you: if you have any desire, any desire at all, for the normal ...Read full comment
1) BEWARE: IT IS VERY HARD TO MAKE FRIENDS HERE. From what I've seen and heard, social isolation is VERY common at NYU. There are A LOT of students wh...Read full comment
By all means NYU is an opportunity abound. Needless to say, NYU is a mixed bag, just like New York City…there's something for everyone. If yo...Read full comment
Okay, so I'm not quite as bitter as the other people who have posted here, but I still transferred out of NYU nonetheless. I didn't hate my time at NY...Read full comment
Listen, people complain about NYU like it's some surprise to them that it has a minimal campus feel or that it has very individualistic students. Howe...Read full comment
As everyone says: NYU IS NOT FOR EVERYONE. You have to be able to function on your own as an adult to survive here. Students that thrive in this atm...Read full comment
Coming from a small, homogenous suburb outside of Boston, I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I decided to go to NYC for college. Of cou...Read full comment
NYU is a very deceiving school. It looks great before you go, but once you're in, you're likely to feel trapped for varying reasons. I guess it's th...Read full comment
are you kidding me? the housing at nyu ROCKS! each room has its own bathroom, some have walk in closets, they are amazing (and clean). I have personal...Read full comment
I transferred to NYU from a big public state University (University of Michigan) because I didn't feel I would receive strong job opportunities. Fortu...Read full comment
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