StudentsReview :: Pensacola Christian College - Campus Maintenance Ratings
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Pensacola Christian College

Breakdown of “Campus Maintenance” at PCC

By Gender
By Major
Aerospace EngineeringA+
Animal StudiesA-
Art & Design DepartmentA-
Business - Management and AdministrationA-
Computer EngineeringB
Computer ScienceA-
Design Arts - Industrial Design/Graphic Design/etcA-
Electrical EngineeringF
Engineering DepartmentB-
Fine Arts - Painting/Sculpture/Photography/etcB-
History/Histories (art history/etc.)A-
Mechanical EngineeringA
Music - Composition/TheoryA
Music - PerformanceA
Music EducationA
Perfomance ArtsA
Physical Therapy/Exercise ScienceA
Political ScienceA
PreLaw and LegalA-
PreMed and MedicalB+
Social WorkD+

Against similar schools

Campus Maintenance compared with similar schools in class.

Pensacola Christian College
Average of All Schools
Average of schools in class

New York University
Bob Jones University
Harvard University
University of California - Berkeley
Stanford University
University of Southern California

Campus Maintenance

... The Admin is more conscerned with maintaining the College's image than treating the students fairly ...Read full comment
... But times have also changed and the college should also make appropriate changes while maintaining the distinctives that set it apart ...Read full comment
... Everything involving PCC is maintained ...Read full comment
... A student who maintains satisfactory GPA and performs well on his graduate school exams (MCAT, LSAT, GRE, etc ...Read full comment
... Most, if not all of the rules, assist in the maintenance of a vibrant Christian testimony or they help maintain order on a campus where more tha...Read full comment
... ) The only way to create and maintain that atmosphere is through institutional rules (and there are MANY ...Read full comment
... While it was strict, it helped me to keep and maintain the type of lifestyle I want to have ...Read full comment
... However, they must dismiss people in order to maintain their standards and policies ...Read full comment
... I went with the attitude that they have some rules on campus because it is a large group situation and you have to have those to maintain the st...Read full comment
... The only way I have maintained my sanity here is by outside work ...Read full comment
... I failed to gain the edge of reporting news from an "outsider" (or dissenting) POV, because God knows that we must be helped in maintaining our ...Read full comment
... Maintenance (A+): cheers to all my fellow maintenance men ...Read full comment
... I chose it, and while they maintain a certain level of rules and decorum, I knew that before I got there and had no problems since I chose to gen...Read full comment
... Don't plan on being able to do much with it though because so many people want accredited degrees" DUH, accrediation is a measure of quality ...Read full comment
... I realize that every institution must have a reasonable amount of rules to ensure a safe, balanced environemt, but many of PCC's rules seem to be...Read full comment
... It's a place built by humans, maintained by humans, and attended by humans ...Read full comment
... I got good training in these areas: teaching classroom routines, maintaining classroom discipline, and teaching phonics ...Read full comment
... Most of the rules we hate are there simply to maintain order or to build character ...Read full comment
... ) PCC maintains excellent academic standards ...Read full comment
... I respect their commitment to maintain intellectual, moral, ethical, professional integrity in all aspects possible ...Read full comment
... On the exterior, the school is well maintained and very beautiful ...Read full comment
... Personally, I have enjoyed college life at PCC, and in talking with friends at other colleges, I have found that in the areas of safety, acedemic...Read full comment
... Because of an attempt to maintain certain standards, PCC was closed-minded to anything and anyone who did not display the PCC spirit ...Read full comment
... Programming is taught from a "structured" point of view, emphasizing maintainability, documentation, and consistency in programming style ...Read full comment
... Before I go further, PCC is a truly a great place in the sense that it safe, clean, comfortable, very well-maintained, and the members of the st...Read full comment
... This means well-maintained facilities, reasonable tuition costs, and confidence that our school was financially secure ...Read full comment
... The Admin is more conscerned with maintaining the College's image than treating the students fairly ...Read full comment
... The type of accreditation your college/university maintains can affect your post-baccalaureate options just as much as no accreditation ...Read full comment
... You either maintain the high "ethical" standard or face a greater temptation when you face the real world ...Read full comment
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Pensacola Christian College
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