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Pensacola Christian College

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Mar 21 2007
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Being a summer grad student at PCC is different from undergraduate student in terms of certain responsibilities merely because a grad student is generally over 21, working, independent. While I had little difficulty with the expectations, less disciplined, committed students have had. PCC tries you to see what you are made of and depending on one's willingness to work, will assist you in reaching your potential or won't. I respect their commitment to maintain intellectual, moral, ethical, professional integrity in all aspects possible. Undergrad? Good luck. If you are the type to pay attention and go with the flow, you'll be okay. Visit first - during their college days, stay in the dorms and eat the food. The choice is yours--your determination to succeed will allow you to shine wherever you are. If I could have, I would have ensured that I finished my master's thesis on time and graduated with my class, not later. PCC is not for everyone, but its worth looking into.
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