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Texas Tech University

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Texas Tech is a great school.BrightBiology
Texas Tech is a great school. I hope to see Tech develop in its areas of weakness like study space, computer access, English speaking profs., and management in general. Poor management is responsible for half of the issues. Though none of them occur in dealings directly with students, the campus and logistics thereof tend to be confusing, one of my classes had to look around a building for an empty room on a couple times.

I believe that a university that promotes good, clean, quite, and comfortable study space as a main priority will produce students who will study more, and thus a higher graduation rate than 40%(Texas Tech's official according to FAFSA)

The profs I had that could speak clear English were great. They are professional and accessible. The courses are designed and structured very well and provide valuable learning opportunities.

It is a very large campus, a bike really helps.
A new student will find a very large number of "Greek" organizations and in my experience, I do not belong to any, they are mostly down to earth, friendly people that don't shove their head up their butt as much as stereotypes would suggest.

Financial aid does a lot to help. They are well organized and fairly competent.

Lubbock is a fat turd. I came here from the mountains of Virginia and can say that it is the ugliest place I have ever been, and I was in Iraq in 2005. It has more fast food restaurants per capita (ratio based on population) than any other city IN THE U.S.! That fact is quite evident by looking at the average Lubbock citizen.

It's a good school if you feel your options are limited, but I wholeheartedly advise pursuing other options. Go to Virginia, JMU, VCU, VTech...All great schools in amazing cities.

2nd Year Male -- Class 2013
Faculty Accessibility: A+, Surrounding City: D+
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Most people being from Texas are either aQuite BrightFinance
Most people being from Texas are either a Longhorn or Aggie by nature which causes them to hate on Tech before they know anything about the town or school. Texas Tech has very good academic program contrary to popular belief. The town is growing and is centered around college students, meaning all specials and clubs are for the college aged people. My advice is to come and visit the beautiful campus and experience the night life before you have anything bad to say. The advantages out weigh the disadvantages once you get here. You just have to see it for yourself.
2nd Year Male -- Class 2012
Education Quality: A+, Surrounding City: B-
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Super BrilliantMath
Get involved in some sort of group
2nd Year Female -- Class 2011
Campus Aesthetics: A+, Faculty Accessibility: B+
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