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Southeastern Louisiana University

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Aug 30 2017
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I was the Director of Internal Audit from 2002 to 2004. I had a high degree of autonomy, fitting for the internal auditor role. Then a fraud was reported to me. I immediately informed the president, who advised me to look into it. Turned out a lack of controls permitted a Dept. head to pocket State funds, who also falsified numerous transcripts. People graduated with false diplomas. The president wanted to hear no such thing. I was placed under a new Audit Director who had the day-to-day objective of personally purchasing and then selling on EBAY used SLU textbooks meant for students in the annual student union book sale. She even had SLU staff take her media mail EBAY packages to the post office for her on company time. This supplemented her salary quite nicely. I reported this conflict of interest to the president. The president?s action was to let me go. Poor ethics from the top down at SLU result in a low quality education for all students.
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Southeastern Louisiana University
Southeastern Louisiana University