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The University of Central Florida

Educational QualityB Faculty AccessibilityB+
Useful SchoolworkB Excess CompetitionA
Academic SuccessB+ Creativity/ InnovationA-
Individual ValueB University Resource UseB+
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyA FriendlinessB+
Campus MaintenanceA Social LifeB+
Surrounding CityB+ Extra CurricularsB+
Describes the student body as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

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' color='class=grade' >


Educational Quality

Excess Competition
She rated most things higher than other students did.
Date: Oct 24 2013
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Anyone who says bluntly negative things about UCF is either self absorbed (And sour that they didn't get into UF) anti-social (And bored of the social scene, because they AREN'T involved in it) or just snotty and expect things to be handed to them without hard work (Also an option). I came to UCF as an out of state student, and I have to tell you, it's the best choice I've ever made. Everyday of my life, I thank my lucky stars that I chose this school over others, because it has been the best thing I could have done for myself. For people who think that UCF is a commuter school, or that it's not highly respected-you're leaving under the rock that Florida has blinded you with. It's no longer about UF, or FSU...sorry to say, gators, but your days of glory are coming to an end. Your football program is hitting rock bottom, and without your football teams, you're academically average schools with ugly (UF) to okay (FSU) campuses it, frankly, really lack luster areas. UCF is rightfully taking the throne now, and high respect should be given to this university that is ONLY 60 years old. It's insane how much success UCF has had in this amount of years, that by the time I graduate (Three years) it will be the TOP university in the state of Florida, and have high respect from other states (It already does, for the record). UCF is a HUGE school, yes, but with a social scene that is something to be proud of. We have every kind of student you can imagine, and if you can't find a solid group of friends at this school, there's something wrong with you. From students who were born and raised in Orlando, to Chicago students, to my Jamaican friend that sits next to me in computer science, the diversity is top notch. The people here are SO friendly IF you're smart about it. Sorry to say, but at UCF, the snotty people you will come across is Greek life. If that's your jar of pickles, have at it-if it's not, they're easier to ignore. Beyond sorority girls who are worried about their designer bags, and frat guys who think they can chug a whole keg, everyone I have been here has been very nice. I'm a girl who didn't have many friends in high school (I kept to myself) Here, I have the most amazing group of friends, and we have a blast. Yes, UCF knows how to party (What do you expect being so close to Orlando) but there's a bunch to do beyond that. For those that say there's no school spirit-please. We're ranked top 21 in the nation (Can you guess who isn't even in the rankings? The gators? Sorry not sorry). Our team is GREAT this year, and they're only getting better. We know how to tailgate, we know how to get pumped up, and we stay at the game rain or shine, winning or losing, and proudly represent Blake and Gold. Our academics are awesome-I have loved EVERY one of my teachers, and even in huge lecture halls, I STILL didn't feel like a number. I have done better here, academically, then I ever did in High School-the professors here are vibrant, passionate, and want you to succeed. If you approach them, they will help, but that's your job. The campus is BEAUTIFUL. In comparison to FSU's tight campus, that is building to building with run down dorms and classrooms, and UF's brick jail looking campus with a HORRIBLE layout, UCF is GORGEOUS. A HUGE campus, but so easy to navigate (UCF thinks ahead, other then these other schools)always clean and kept well, best campus I've ever laid my eyes on. I always feel very safe on campus, and as a female, feel comfortable taking night walks and what not. Times have changed, and UCF has changed-it's quickly surpassing every other University and Florida, and becoming nationally recognized. There are some draw backs, of course, but that's the case with EVERY college. College is what you make of it, and if you just complain about everything, are anti-social, and expect everything to be handed to you, come easy, and don't focus on school (Most of the negative reviews on here). That's your fault-not the colleges. If you pick UCF, you won't regret it.
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