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Texas Tech University

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Jan 11 2013
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I thoroughly enjoyed my time in graduate school at Tech. Though I entered the civil engineering masters program without a bachelors degree, I made great friends in my undergraduate courses and learned to apply myself in engineering. Tech most certainly has top-notch students as I had it was an immense challenge to hold my own with them. My professors were exceptionally renowned in their fields. They fully expect a graduate student to make every effort to understand an engineering concept or problem, but will also help direct you out of a log jam. After graduating nearly eleven years ago, Tech still leaves a permanent mark on my presentation as a professional. I would highly recommend that a graduate student work on a research project and write a thesis. The presentation and written communication skills are invaluable and will place you professionally in a position that is above par. As far as Tech and Lubbock are rated, I never had a problem making good friends. There are plenty of activities to get involved with and places to go and hang out.
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