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Texas Tech University

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Quite Bright

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Educational Quality
She cares more about Safety than the average student.
Date: Aug 08 2012
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Let me explain my situation. I'm not actually an undergrad student, I'm a high school student at Texas Tech. Texas Tech has an online program for high school students. I live in Mexico but am an American and wanted to get an American diploma, so I decided to do the Texas Tech program. That was a horrible mistake. They will not let me graduate! They give me a list of courses I need to complete, I complete them, and then they tell me I just have to do a few more things. Their incompetence is astounding. Over this past year I have become depressed because of Texas Tech, I've cried more times over this stupid school than I ever have over any break up. I had to go on adderall to deal with it. The kind of work I did was utter bullshit, but boy did they know how to pile it on. Almost all of it was matching and fill in the blank stuff that required no actual thinking, just looking up the answer in the textbook. And only their answers were ever correct, god forbid you have an opinion. I got in trouble for doing too much of my work at once! At the best the teachers were incompetent, at the worst they were downright mean. Sometimes they just wouldn't let me submit lessons, without any explanation. The school purposefully tries to keep you from graduating to get more money out of you. I used to like school before I started the Texas Tech program, now I hate it and have become uncertain that I can ever do anything worthwhile with my life. Even subjects I love have been ruined in this program. Art is something I love and have been told that I am good at. In every other art class I've taken I've excelled. However in the Texas Tech art course I got miserable grades, creativity was punished in that class. I'm pretty sure this school has damaged me psychologically. I don't know about the college, but if their high school program is any indicator of what it's like than I cannot emphasize enough for you how horrible it is. Please do not go there, for your own mental health.
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