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The University of Central Florida

Alumni Survey
Describes the student body as:

Describes the faculty as:

Quite Bright

Date: Apr 12 2012
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
In all honesty, I'm shocked by the number of negative comments. I am from New England and coming to UCF for school was the BEST decision I have ever made and I had an AMAZING four years and if I had to do it over again I would pick UCF in a heart beat. First off, the people at UCF are THE nicest you will ever meet. My friends who visited me said the same thing. Most everyone is very friendly, very helpful, and very happy. And coming from Boston, that is a lovely lovely difference. Second, the teachers are mostly excellent. I can think of maybe three profs in my four years whom I did not enjoy but overall the profs care and they want you to succeed. I always had a decent amount of work to do, studied a lot, and pulled quite a few all-nighters- but that is what college is for, to learn something. Next, the weather. Perfect. Moving on. The social life at UCF is buzzing. You do not have to pick up a single alcoholic beverage to have fun here, UCF provides plenty of fun (actually fun!) student nights that bring hundreds of hundreds of students. On the other side, if you do like a party, Orlando is a heaven for bars, good clubs, and good dancing. Latin dancing- a total plus. In terms of making friends, if you leave your dorm you will make friends. There are so many clubs, so many classes, so many students- you will make amazing friends. I wasn't even going to stay at UCF, I was going to get good grades and transfer but I could not leave the friends that I had made after one semester. The school itself is just beautiful. It's modern, clean, green, and wild in some places. It is a treat to walk around UCF. Okay, you get the picture. :)
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