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The Bel Rea Institute of Animal Technology

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She cares more about Safety than the average student.
Date: Oct 17 2011
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
Bel-Rea is a complete rip off! First of all, you are over paying for a school that is not accredited. They claim to be, but only as a vet tech school. Which means if you ever go to any other school, even a community college NONE of your credits will transfer. They also have a policy if you ever decide not to go there anymore you will have to pay for the classes you have not yet completed in the program. You pretty much sign your life and all of your income over to them for the next two years. So where is all this money going? Not the facility. It is a very small, old and unkept facility. The bathrooms on campus as well as most of the classrooms are disgusting. This place is a total waste of time and money.
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