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The Bel Rea Institute of Animal Technology

Educational QualityA+ Faculty AccessibilityA
Useful SchoolworkA Excess CompetitionB
Academic SuccessA+ Creativity/ InnovationC+
Individual ValueA University Resource UseA
Campus Aesthetics/ BeautyC+ FriendlinessA
Campus MaintenanceA Social LifeF
Surrounding CityA- Extra CurricularsF
Describes the student body as:
, ' color='class=grade' >

Describes the faculty as:
' color='class=grade' >

Super Brilliant

Social Life

Educational Quality
She cares more about Social Life than the average student.
Date: Jul 09 2011
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
I decided to attend Bel-Rea over the other technician programs in CO because of its reputation in the veterinary community. A lot of practices prefer Bel-Rea students because they know that the technicians that come from Bel-Rea are well equipped with knowledge and skills. This is definitely a school that you get from it what you put into it. So if you do not care, it will reflect in your grades and your overall education. If you try your best, do what you can to succeed, then you will have a pleasant experience and a greater chance of becoming a great technician. It is true that a majority of the hands on experience is during your internship, but due to laws and regulations, there is only so much we can do to the school owned animals and our own pets! That is why it is highly recommended and sometimes mandatory for us to volunteer our time at one of the local shelters.
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