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The University of Central Florida

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Not so bright

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Educational Quality
He cares more about Campus Aesthetics/ Beauty than the average student.
Date: Jun 27 2011
Major: (This Major's Salary over time)
This school fucking sucks. USF,FIU,FAU are way more better.It was very easy to get accepted at UCf. Everybody here is stupid. The athletic teams suck. the athletic facilities suck.The goddamn football stadium is so flimsy I think it is going to fall down someday. This place is a glorified community college. I'd quit right now but I have already been here 5 years. Everyone talks about UCF having over 50000 students like it is some great accomplishment. If that many people could get in then it means that the school isn't worth a damn. I'll be lucky to get a job at Mcdonald's with this bullshit degree. UCF has no history yet these dumb shits are always talking about traditions. They don't realize you don't just make them up and everybody will participate. They take years to develop. UCF wants what other schools have but they will never the atmosphere that older schools have. The campus feels and looks like an industrial park. I have never been to a college that looks so generic in all my life. There are some hot bitches here though. They are all easy to get in the sack also. There is no social life at UCF. There are about 4 bars near "campus",but they all suck too. There are also way too many fags here. They even have a fag fraternity. I bet they spend all of their social budget on crisco.
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